Digital resolution & Pixels questions


TPF Noob!
Jul 20, 2003
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I am very new to the digital image world and am in the process of downloading some images from the Library of Congress. The problem is that after I have downloaed the image (all black & white), when I go to my image editing software (Photoshop 7) it says that the image is different from the size that downloaded form the website. It has something to do with pixes,resolution etc... because after I then print this pic, its not very clear. Any help to understand all this would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks
Not that that reply really helps with my problem, but the answer is that the pics are in the public domain and all copyrights have expired.
... the subject is a complicated one and confuses most people

Print resolution and screen resolution are different things - and that is a good place to start when trying to understand this topic

I would suggest you begin here:



"Not that that reply really helps with my problem, but the answer is that the pics are in the public domain and all copyrights have expired."

actually, it helps me answer your question; thanks for asking......

there are ways to manipulate file sizes to help protect copyrights. i could write about 3 more paragraphs on the subject, hence; my question to be able to discern.

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