Does anyone still need to buy a ticket for Sonisphere?


TPF Noob!
Jan 15, 2010
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Birmingham, Uk
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So i applied to do this thing where i help promote the festival and in return if i sell enough tickets i get in free. I'm mainly doing this to try to get to know the big promoters for a chance to do photos next year. Anyways basically if your going to buy a ticket go to the seetickets website and when it says put in a code when your buying you ticket just type in my unique code SF434M when When doing this you can win
o A pair of Rock Royalty Weekend Tickets
o A pair of Guest Access Passes
o Back Stage Tour
o Tons of Sonisphere Goodies
o **A Pair of Weekend Tickets to Sonisphere POLAND including all flights & Transfers**
From the official organisers.
It's just the same as a recommendation when you sign up to some sites, i get brownie points. Ok thankssss :)

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