Does this work?


TPF Noob!
Sep 22, 2021
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I recently decided to challenge myself and took a series of abstract shots of subjects I wouldn't normally take photos of, after watching a video on YouTube. I'm not sure if they work, they're in the Gallery if you're interested. The Telegraph Wires, I don't think that they are 'eye catching' enough to be interesting. Tried a square format but I'm nor sure if it improves it. I'd like to hear some thoughts other than mine :)
Taken with a Canon EOS 100D and 24-105 L lens, edited in LR.

I think it might look better in black-n-white.

I did a similar abstract pole/wires project back in the 90's but shot on BW film and printed in the darkroom, some normal and some very high contrast.
I love abstract work. Don't get caught up in the aspect you shoot it at. I'm not positive that the shot is actually abstract, looking at it I know immediately what it is. Play around with turning the photo and cropping. Use contrast to your advantage. It can work wonders.

I think the B+W is better and it's a subject worth tinkering with. I'm not very artistic but I'm sure there's more mileage in these.
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I recently decided to challenge myself and took a series of abstract shots of subjects I wouldn't normally take photos of, after watching a video on YouTube. I'm not sure if they work, they're in the Gallery if you're interested. The Telegraph Wires, I don't think that they are 'eye catching' enough to be interesting. Tried a square format but I'm nor sure if it improves it. I'd like to hear some thoughts other than mine :)
Taken with a Canon EOS 100D and 24-105 L lens, edited in LR.

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it doesn't work for me as it is now ... but I think that when conditions will change (lighting, atmospheric conditions, maybe some fledged wildlife also included ) it could be completely different photo that will work like charm ...

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