Does your height play a role in your photography?

I'm 6'4" but usually if I take a portrait, I try to keep the camera lower -- around chest level. If the camera is too high then it creates the illusion that my subject is short.

I started with a Rollei -- so you look down into the viewfinder. That camera is normally somewhere between chest and waist level. Same with the Hasselblad (without the modified finder). It wasn't until I got a 35mm camera and the camera needed to be held at eye-level that I started to notice the different perspective in images... and didn't really like it.

When I do need a higher perspective, the height advantage comes in handy.
Also 6'4" tall, and I need to always stoop over so I'm not shooting down on subjects. Whether it's portraits, sports action or critters, most of it is lower than my eye level, so I carry some Aleve for my back/neck.

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