Donating some lenses. please read CAREFULLY. (very)


I am the Lord thy Mod
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Jun 7, 2012
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Central Florida
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anyone that has looked at my profile or talked to me has, by now, figured out that I am a lens whor...hog.. a lens hog.
Its not that I want to just amass large quantities of equipment, i just find it very difficult to let go of things. (this isn't just applied to photography gear) what I have listed on my
profile isn't even everything. Anyway, the point is this. I need to get rid of a few lenses that we don't really need anymore and don't anticipate needing. they are either backups, or backups of backups.

the first is an AF Nikkor 28-70 1:3.5-4.5D. it is in great shape and everything works perfectly on it. Glass is clean, with front and rear lens caps.
the second is a Tamron 28-300 LD IF 1:3.5-6.3 macro with front and rear lens cap and petal hood. also in excellent shape with clean glass. (nikon mount)
Obviously these are older lenses and not exactly PRO quality. as stated above, they are both in excellent working condition with clean glass and smooth movement.
No boxes or paperwork for either of them.

now here is the hard part.. I don't want to sell these lenses. I would like to give them away. seriously, GIVE them away. now before you get all in a crazy rush to message me to take them off my hands, please finish reading my post. PLEASE. In my perfect scenario, I would like to donate one or both to someone who is maybe just getting into photography, maybe was gifted a camera, or inherited one, I don't know, but doesn't have the money to get lenses for it. It doesn't matter to me if the person needs them for a film or digital camera, but what i would really REALLY like is for the need to be sincere, and the interest in photography to be sincere.

I live in the central Florida area (eustis) so people closest to me would be easiest to deal with, but i would be willing to ship the lenses within the continental united states on my own dime. the ONLY other place i would consider shipping to would be Canada, but you would have to cover shipping. (my wife is Canadian so..cant exclude our northern friends)
I have no idea how to determine someones "need", but i would venture to say that these older lenses aren't really worth very much, and anyone that could afford newer lenses probably wouldn't even want them.

Please do not ask me for the lenses if your profile space is filled with D7000's and f/2.8 lenses. You don't want or need these things. If a Moderator sends me the name of someone they know to be in need of some halfway decent glass to get started, I will take their word that it is based on need not greed. (oh lordy, im trusting the Mods) Im not looking for a barrage of sob stories and how you could take such wonderful pictures if only you could afford a lens. I AM looking for someone that needs a little help getting into photography and wont mind using some used lenses with more than a few weddings under them. I really don't know exactly which cameras these lenses will AF on some research.

In summary, this forum has been a very useful tool, and the people here (especially the moderators) eager to share experience and wisdom.
We were handed down some equipment by a photographer friend to help get us started in our interest in photography, and this is my chance to do the same.
I have NO IDEA how to work the criteria for this deal, or even what criteria I am looking for so if anyone has any suggestions it would be very helpful and appreciated.

PLEASE help me to NOT let this thing into a disaster with people just wanting them to try and resell. I really am just trying to help someone out.
holy crap, this post went on way to long. im going to stop it here and hope my intentions were clear enough to get the appropriate response.
Very kind and admirable of you to do this. I hope people that respond will do so honestly.
Kudos! Great idea!

As an electrician, I find myself in possession of slightly outdated Codebooks that are of use to those in the trade who haven't adopted the current Code. So I donate them to students just starting out in the trade.

So I know what it feels like to do something like this.
Very generous and refreshing. Hopefully whoever takes advantage of this will pay-it-forward.
<------Good home

I would like to talk to you, shall I PM?

I am still using my kit lens (after 7800 actuations) and I'd like to think I have picked up and learned quickly. I need to start shooting people and I can't zoom. Both of those lenses would be great for those things. Everyone I know locally has Canon so I can't borrow (so I'm trying to even save for a canon body to at least be able to borrow lenses to learn on).

I finally got me some legs and tripod head, a few lighting accessories are on the way. Glass, unfortunately, is last on my list as it's expensive as we all know. I finally saved enough in my kitty for photo stuff to even support this site in becoming a supporting member, only right in all that it has done for me in the way of a venue to learn.

I have been hounding the forums and internet looking for even older glass to use to practice while I learn.

In the event you think I'm worthy of such a donation, I will pay it forward once I am able to collect new glass, in the exact manner you are doing now.

In all seriousness, these would hep me immensely as I learn,grow, and find my direction in photography.
Private message or email works best. internet is down at the house for some reason (damn comcast) and doing this from my phone is a bit ponderous.
i am still filtering through messages and will try to get more sorted through tomorrow. I was not expecting such a quick response. If AF is an issue for anyone, please be aware that those lenses will only AF on bodies that have a built in focus motor.
I would have to manually focus. I looked them up for compatibility. I don't mind as it would be great learning for me. If it got to be too annoying, I'd just pay it forward early and post for a new candidate, or even find a used upgrade body later to match.
PM sent. Have fun reading them all. I bet you're getting a ton. lol.
pixmedic......that is very honorable,generous,refreshing.....everything thats been said above.....:thumbup:
Best thread on here I've read so far. Wish I could use them. But hopefully they go to someone as thoughtful as you. Such a great idea. Wish I could figure out the applauding smiley from my phone.
Hmm, I wonder if enough of us have stuff to create a "Donation or Good Home" sticky thread in the Buy and Sell ?
Was hoping for a canon mount, but i have to give you a big thumbs up. This is great of you. I have done this several times with snowboarding equipment! It is a wonderful feeling to pay it forward.

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