If he loved her that much in the first place he would have given her her own helmet to wear before they got on the bike.
Things like that piss me off so much. There are plenty of TRUE stories that put made up crap like that to shame.
True love isn't having a conversation at 100 mph with someone you're about to have crash with you on the back of a bike with broken breaks scaring the poor girl half to death coz she thinks your a dick for speeding - true love is saying listen, my breaks are ****ed, we're going to crash, telling her you love her so that she knows what she meant to you and giving her the helmet BEFORE even letting her ride pillion - the most dangerous place to be anyways during a crash.
True love is making sure the bills get paid, looking after eachother when you're sick or miserable, being there for one another, looking out for one another and realising that to be together you just need to work hard at showing the other person you give a toss.