Favorite Photography Books


TPF Noob!
Feb 8, 2007
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New York
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I just got my Speedlighter's Handbook by Syl Arena in the mail today. I was wondering are there any books or handbooks that you guys like? Any favorites?
I am trying to put together a nice library of photography books either favorite artists and their photos or handbooks and how to's.
Something to read on a rainy day :-) any suggestions?
Some of my favorites:

The Hot Shoe Diaries by Joe McNally
The Moment It Clicks by Joe McNally
Photographic Global Notes: A Dean Collins Production (v. 1 & 2)
The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos by Michael Freeman
I am not sure how advanced you are but Understanding Exposure is one of the most recommended books on this forum. I read it twice when I got my DSLR and I really need to read it again.
Anything by SCOTT KELBY!!!!! I love his books because not only can I learn a ton from him but he keeps you interested and he is funny! If you are getting into speed lights then read LIGHTS CAMERA, CAPTURE!

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