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Filter sets question


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2014
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I'm looking to get a filter set (4x4 or 4x6) but I don't want to spend $500 plus for the lee set up.

Anyone use other brands that they found to work well?

Looking to keep it under $250 for a filter holder, adaptor ring, 10 stop nd, and .9 grad.

I recently bought the Formatt-Hitec system and love it, even though it was similar price to LEE's system it would be well worth your while to save and buy a decent quality set. I was using Tiffen circular sets for a while but found the cheaper ones really softened up the end result regardless what I did. You might be able to buy second hand system online.
You get what you pay for. You can pay Lee prices and get Lee results, Cokin prices with Cokin results (good under most conditions), or cheap prices with equivalent results (Mediocre at best).

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