

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 10, 2012
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Yakima, WA
Can others edit my Photos
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Think I had a productive night! I didn't manage to get to all the spots I had planned since some storms rolled in, but I enjoyed what time I had, and finally I have some quality pictures! I have decided I am no longer driving Highway 12 in the night, though. I always pass by elk and have to slam on my brakes at least once, but this time I passed 5 different sets. Three separate sets of elk/dear in the middle of the road, and two sets alongside. I don't think my heart can take many more of those close calls!

Here ya go:


Tongue Mountain Stars by RxForB3, on Flickr

That is Mt. Adams 30 miles away in the background.


Tongue Mountain Star Trails by RxForB3, on Flickr


Night at Takhlakh by RxForB3, on Flickr


Mt. Adams Stars by RxForB3, on Flickr


Mt. Adams Star Trails by RxForB3, on Flickr

I think I still have some processing issues or improvements I could make, but man what a difference a new camera can make!!
I like the photos without the star trails but like the sense of depth in #2. Very crisp photos, especially #4.
Both thumbs up ! This type of night sky photography looks great to me. What's the new camera ?
And regarding elks; apparently you need Australian style front grill on your car. :lol:
Thanks! I'm very pleased with them. There's of course a lot of improving that could be done before it compares to something like Sw1tchFX's photos, and now I can't blame equipment :) But overall, I'm very happy.

And I decided to go all in and get a 5D Mark III. I'm going to love it! Now I just have to pay for it. Anybody want to buy a Hammond A100 organ, Sigma "Bigma," and/or a T3i with grip and intervalometer? :)
Do those little bullet size whistles that go on the grille work? Supposed to make a high whistle noise that the deer can hear and so are at least aware of you coming.
I've wondered that myself. My grandparents use to have those on their car...

I would think that just because the elk/deer can hear you coming doesn't mean they'd run away in the right direction. Might run right in front of you...
A quick look on Wikipedia just confirmed that they don't work...
Heh, I was too busy trying to not run them over with my car. Plus, it was the middle of the night, so unless they decided to stay in my headlights, there wasn't enough light...
A quick look on Wikipedia just confirmed that they don't work...
Maybe then a single truck horn with separate switch ?:lol:
Am I seeing some faint aurora in #4?
What glass are you using? They make very expensive, very bright wide angle primes which may be your next logical step if you're looking to get into star photography seriously.
yeah, but if he was really into star photography, the most valuable investment would be in a motorized equatorial mount. Most "fast" telescopes rarely go better than f/8, and yet they deliver eye-popping results with the right mount, so almost any camera lens will benefit from accurate guidance. These range from credit-card-ouch expensive to holy-toledo-second-mortgage expensive.
I'm not sure if there might be some auroral activity, but I think it's just my white balance and tinting. I was facing roughly east either than north.

As for the lens...the first two were using the 50mm 1.8, which did better for framing the shot, but only allowed 12 second exposures for the individual stars. I think my focus was a bit off, hence the softness.

The last three were using the Rokinon 14mm 2.8. A nice lens, but I do think something faster may be necessary (such as the canon 24mm 1.4).

Using tracking would be fun, but probably wouldn't work so well for night landscapes unless I did a composite shot, in which case I could just stack some stars for a lot cheaper...

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