Fire Flower


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I haven't really used my camera in a while, heck I even went places to take photos and didn't even take my camera out of the bag or removed the lens cap. I don't know, I just didn't see anything that really sparked my interest. It kind of made me feel horrible like as if I hit a plateau and that's going to be it. But I guess we have these periods of time when you simply just don't feel like shooting and need a break.

Anyways, I saw this cool flower outside today. It's been extremely cloudy the last few days and cold too like the 50s and rain...and yeah..its JUNE. JUNE! Feels like late March/April. Ugh...

I gave myself permission to do a creative edit for fun. Yeah, it's not too natural looking but that wasn't the point.

Fujifilm XT2 + 60 2.4
1/320th, f/2.8, ISO 200

On the shot and edit, I really do like it would love to see the whole flower with the same edit but you did a great job imo. I think that many photographers can and do go through a stage of not taking shots at all, the last time I went through it my self I decided to shot in B&W for a total change and found it did help me to snap back in to it.
I guess I was trying to fill the frame haha. But after looking at it, I think I like this one better.

Now that I love, it`s a cracker imo.
Hope this also might help if it happens again, just spend a bit of time editing some photos and even reading books on photography. Or go out of your comfort zone and take shots at different angles or very low even.
Hope this also might help if it happens again, just spend a bit of time editing some photos and even reading books on photography. Or go out of your comfort zone and take shots at different angles or very low even.

I've been thinking about just taking a break from focusing on photography and focus on something else for a while, like video. Just something different.
Hope this also might help if it happens again, just spend a bit of time editing some photos and even reading books on photography. Or go out of your comfort zone and take shots at different angles or very low even.

I've been thinking about just taking a break from focusing on photography and focus on something else for a while, like video. Just something different.

If it can help you have say a rest, then that`s got to be a winner as then you`d come back all fresh if you know what I mean.
Well I like it quite a bit, but in the long run that doesn't matter, what matters is what Luke thinks! :icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen: I too have felt the hobby slump, I seem to change up my hobbies about every 10 years with some overlap between them. Sometimes a break is just what you need to recharge your mental battery and get your creative juices flowing again.
Well I like it quite a bit, but in the long run that doesn't matter, what matters is what Luke thinks! :icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen: I too have felt the hobby slump, I seem to change up my hobbies about every 10 years with some overlap between them. Sometimes a break is just what you need to recharge your mental battery and get your creative juices flowing again.

Haha Thanks Jeff.

I do have a photoshoot lined up sometime this month. A cousin of mine had a sweet Volkswagen he wants me to take photos of and wanted to pay me. So I guess it will be my first paid photoshoot lol. But it's family, so it probably doesn't count. :icon_mrgreen:

That will be a change of pace which is probably what I need.
I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I haven't really used my camera in a while, heck I even went places to take photos and didn't even take my camera out of the bag or removed the lens cap. I don't know, I just didn't see anything that really sparked my interest. It kind of made me feel horrible like as if I hit a plateau and that's going to be it. But I guess we have these periods of time when you simply just don't feel like shooting and need a break.

Anyways, I saw this cool flower outside today. It's been extremely cloudy the last few days and cold too like the 50s and rain...and yeah..its JUNE. JUNE! Feels like late March/April. Ugh...

I gave myself permission to do a creative edit for fun. Yeah, it's not too natural looking but that wasn't the point.

Fujifilm XT2 + 60 2.4
1/320th, f/2.8, ISO 200

View attachment 158960
This is actually a good thing. You were selective. This actually increases the potential to reach out. It makes you look harder. Go for the interesting light in these circumstances.

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