First Model shoot for a long time


TPF Noob!
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
London, UK
Can others edit my Photos
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So a long time ago I took some photos with a friend in order to practice taking photographs of people, a few years have passed and I've mainly been shooting street portraits and never working with models. It was about time I actually tried again so me and the same friend got back together for a bit of experimentation.

Here are the results, I'm very new to directing models and people within my photos, I'm more of a spontaneous shooter so you're feedback is much appreciated.

These were all taken using cheapo lights (no flash) and weren't really bright enough for me to close down the aperture, so I was really playing around with settings a lot trying to get what I could out of it. Hence some slightly dodgy looking EXIF data (to my eyes at least, but I'm no pro)


EXIF: f/1.8 1/80sec ISO800

The colour cast on these is the kind of look we were going for, not some horrendous white balance problems in the camera...though I can't decide if that's what it comes across as...


EXIF: f/1.8 1/120 ISO400


EXIF: f/1.8 1/80 ISO400

Many thanks for looking and I'd love as much constructive criticism as you can give!
I like #1, but can you put a non photoshopped version, I think you may have overdone it a bit especially on her dress. Or maybe she's not wearing a dress and you're making them TPF friendly. Not a big fan of 2&3.
I think some separation from the background would be a big help with these. Maybe a bit of rim and hair lighting, or just a background spot.
Appears shot her straight on in #2 and #3 on and she looks huge and the pic flat. I suggest having her shift her body. Can't tell in #1, not enough light. Distracting watermark. But I'm a newB learning too my friend.
1 - I like the head and eyes but could use a little fill light on the right and the left arm looks awkward. Need to either crop really tight or let us see the dress.
2 - WB seems off. Could use a better angle on the stomach and the shorts look funny and don't seem to fit the outfit or pose.
3 - Better pose but maybe a fill light left, fix WB and needs to be much shaper in the eyes. Especially the right eye looks oddly murky compared to the left eye.

Keep it up though! I can't say I'd do any better but maybe my thoughts can be helpful.
Hi Timothy
First thing I notice is the nose shadow. It's a critical thing in portraiture. Depending on lighting style it should form a specific shape. In this type of lighting, which was supposed to be a so-called loop light, it should follow the cheekbone in order to look flattering to the subject. Check the nose shadow on these two examples: The Iron Lady | Portrait photos and Fairy-tale princess | Portrait photos
Also the light is very harsh and shadows very deep. It mostly suits for men portraits. For women soft light and subtle shadows tend to work best so in 2nd and 3rd photo some fill from camera left side would be nice imo. A piece of Styrofoam or white foamcore bookend would do the trick. No need for pricey accessories.

My advice would be to learn about different lighting styles first and try them out, then, later on, work on posing.
Christopher Gray's photography books would be the ones I'd recommend for learning lighting. Check them out. It's a true mine of knowledge.

Good luck!
Shadows are pretty harsh here, I'd say lighten it up in post.

I'm getting also a magenta tinge that doesn't look too good in my opinion.

First photo also looks slightly blurry or oof.

Hope this helps!
Thanks all for the feedback, much appreciated!

Definitely need to work on my lighting, I did think the nose shadows were a bit rubbish along with the background seperation.

Thanks again, I'll go find another mug who'll let me shoot them and put all your advice into practice!

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