First 'Proper' Ultrasound!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 30, 2004
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Melbourne, Oz but missing Toronto.
...well technically it's the second, the first ultrasound was a 'dating scan' to see when my due date is...but back then bubby was just a blob on the screen, with a beating heart lol.

We went for the ultrasound yesterday. I had been paranoid that I'd get there and the technician would say "There's no heartbeat" or "there's no baby" etc and I'd been having dreams of the ultrasound where they would say "Your baby is supposed to be 4cm's but it is only 2cm's" etc lol.

So, held my breath a bit for the first few seconds but then I saw the baby sitting in the bottom corner of my uterus and I started giggling like crazy, going "Oh WOW!"

Bubby looked so chilled and relaxed in there lol. Sitting in the bottom left hand corner of the uterus and leaning back against the side-wall of it.
The baby kept moving his/her hands near it's face and jumped around a little bit by pushing off the wall of the uterus with it's feet, thinking it was on a side-trampoline or something. Little mexican-jumping-bean! So cute!

Then bubby started opening and closing his/her mouth for about 2 minutes, as if it was sucking it's thumb or drinking the amniotic fluid. One of the two anyway.

Anyway, unfortunately, he or she was TOO cozy and wouldn't show the nice ultrasound guy the back of their neck, so that he could take measurements of the membrane. Mark, the ultrasound tech, asked me to turn over and lie on my belly ( I kept thinking I was gonna fall off that narrow bed lol) and cough a few times.

I did that. Do ya think that got the baby to move? Nooooo.

So after awhile, he prodded and poked and pushed around on my belly to encourage bubby out of his/her comfy possie...still wouldn't budge.

Mark had to see his next patient so he asked if it was ok for me to take 15 minutes out in the waiting room, walking around and drinking some water to fill the bladder up a little. I did that...bladder was nice and back in the room. Had baby shifted? Hahahahaha not a chance. Stubborn lil booger.

Mark managed to get a couple of measurements anyway. He wasn't concerned at all anyway, he was quite happy to rule out Downs Syndrome and the rest, said everything is in order. Neck membrane measured .19. Apparently, anything up to 3.0 is normal so our rice pouf's neck membrane is nice and thinnnnn lol. He remarked that he DID have one woman who's baby's neck measured .17 and still came out with Downs Syndrome but the mother WAS 44 years old at the time...

Anyway, I could have stared and giggled and 'wow'ed at that screen for HOURS on end! What an amazing and surreal feeling, seeing a tiny human that you made, resting inside of you!

It helps because I was feeling a little disconnected with the baby before now...because it didn't even feel like there WAS a baby in there. Now that I've seen the perfect little face, nose, mouth, feet, hands etc and seen him/her move, I have something I can connect with now!

Oh and rice pouf is all of 6.5 cm's, from head to bum (uh, why don't they count the legs? lol)

Anyway, love to you all!
Such an amazing time for you, I remember going through that about a year ago and loved every minute of it. Keep us updated on things! (and we want some ultrasound pics! :mrgreen: )
That is wonderful news! I've always thought that pregnant women should have ultrasound machines at home so we can watch them all the time :D I hope you are feeling well!
I love hearing about all of this. Keep sharing this magical time! :hug::

Give the lil bugger a poke from me. :lol:
I know I'm new on here, but as a fellow mommy I enjoyed reading this! Much luck to you! :)
Well, I always voted for a flexible plexy-glass stomach at the times I was expecting, so I would be able to look inside, alas, that wasn't to be ;). But I do remember this feeling of being someone really special, being two persons in one even at a time where it did not (yet) show on the outside to anybody else. To get an image of the other little person inside you really helps to connect even more, though I usually felt the connection from very early on. I am so happy for you!!! (And for Alison, too, and for whoever else is on here that might be expecting).
Hertz! Yes mummyhood has fallen on my lap all of a sudden! :shock: Josh lieeedddd to me, he said that when we started trying for kidlets, he needed to hang me by my toes :lol: That never happened! ;)

I got bubby's first photoshoot back! I am content to lay on my couch at night, holding the ultrasound sheets up to the light and staring at them lol.

I started a small business course the other night and, when I was coming home on the train afterwards, I left them on the train! :(. But someone handed them in, thank god. Blame it on baby brain.

Will scan them in tomorrow at work, hopefully the scans will turn out ok *pinches Ferny's butt*.

Alison, I agree, I want to see this little booger at least a few times a day lol. Like Corinna said, man I wish for a little window in the belly!

Tangerini, welcome aboard! How old is your little one/s?
And I was stupid enough to think of an USM lens ... arrrgh ;)
I am content to lay on my couch at night, holding the ultrasound sheets up to the light and staring at them

You just wait until it's born and starts puking and mewling at all hours of the day and night. Mine still do that and they are in their 20's! :lmao:
You just wait until it's born and starts puking and mewling at all hours of the day and night. Mine still do that and they are in their 20's! :lmao:

That matches what her ticker says :mrgreen:

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