Flash gel applications?


TPF Noob!
Aug 15, 2009
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Boston, MA
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Hey guys, I just wanted your input on other applications to use light gels besides on a flash. Basically what my situation is is that my roommates and I have a large garage that we like to hold functions in. Now the lighting is 3 bright spot lights in the corners of the garage, which I turned them around and bounced off the ceiling to soften and disperse the light better. Now we thought of the great idea that it would be cool to have the lights colored. My only concern is about the heat that these lights give off. I think they reach somewhere in the 200+ Fahrenheit area. I havn't found any information on the temperature rating on gels and just wanted to ask the people that know way more about this than I do. Thanks in advance guys :thumbup: :D
They use gels on stage lighting and I'm sure they get a lot hotter than 200 degrees F. Try contacting a local theater and ask them about it.
I just read something on gels that say theres some type of special way to apply them that gives them sort of like a cylindrical shape and keeps them farther from the heat source and hence not melt them as easily. i might be worng but look up ways to apply gels.
i've worked with Gels in a theatre type setting.. the reason they dont melt is because they arent touching the bulb.. they are actually around 6-8 inches away from the bulb, so, the 200F doesnt actually touch the gel... the gels do get hot though.. as i'm sure you can respect... if your using regular old flood lights for your lighting in your garage, and want to put a gel in front of them, you will have to create something so that the gel can be in front of the light, but also at least 5 inches away from it.. other wise.. they will melt.


Even most LED lights, which dont get very hot, still leave a space between the bulbs and the gels.

If your looking for some colored lights, pop down to home depot or something like it.. they have colored flood lights.. my dad use to put a green one in front of our house at christmas time.. he's so festive..
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