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Full Model Portfolio- Marty (image heavy)

, I would take some time to study color theory so you can use color to your advantage

So glad you mentioned this. I think this an area that many fail in when setting up the shot. I may be more attuned because of my early years in graphic arts. You seem to utilize it well but here's a simple straight forward explanation for those who don't understand how it works Basic color schemes: Color Theory Introduction

An excellent set by the way, but I also think it should be noted that this didn't just happen. Your knowledge, experience, and growth as an artist this past year is quite phenomenal. The little things that seem inconsequential are what takes your images to the next level.

In particular I like the way you've been able to render skin textures. Either you're extremely lucky to only have subjects with perfect skin, or you're using a fantastic custom texture layer.
, I would take some time to study color theory so you can use color to your advantage

So glad you mentioned this. I think this an area that many fail in when setting up the shot. I may be more attuned because of my early years in graphic arts. You seem to utilize it well but here's a simple straight forward explanation for those who don't understand how it works Basic color schemes: Color Theory Introduction

An excellent set by the way, but I also think it should be noted that this didn't just happen. Your knowledge, experience, and growth as an artist this past year is quite phenomenal. The little things that seem inconsequential are what takes your images to the next level.

In particular I like the way you've been able to render skin textures.
Thank you so much!

Either you're extremely lucky to only have subjects with perfect skin, or you're using a fantastic custom texture layer.
No luck and no custom texture, just a lot of practice with dodging and burning.
At this point though if you're going to manipulate color and you want harmony, I would take some time to study color theory

Excellent images and commentary, as always. Always interesting and helpful. Thanks for taking the time to post.

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