Going to Europe. Memory card question.


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Feb 21, 2010
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New Orleans, LA
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Ok, so next year, the wife and I are embarking on a 2 week European trip. At first I thought of bringing my laptop and unloading images daily, but now I'm starting to think that I'd rather leave my 1200 dollar laptop at home, instead of chancing it being left in European hotels or flying with it (shakes fist at TSA lol) and purchasing some more sd cards. So here's my question. Right now, I have a 4gb ExtremeII sdhc card and wondering if I should get multiple 8gb cards or a couple of 16gb cards? I'm leaning more to getting a few 8gb cards as I'd rather only lose 8gb if anything goes wrong, compared to a 16gb card. So what yall think? (or should I get a BUNCH of 4gb cards haha)
They make a hard drive travel card dumper for photographers, can't remember what it is called though.
@jcambell, I've always been a SanDisk Extreme user .. how reliable is Transcend?

@bitter, thanks for that idea .. I didn't even know those existed! Very cool, but hard to find a reliable one so far based off of reviews. Would hate for them to delete all my photos lol
@jcambell, I've always been a SanDisk Extreme user .. how reliable is Transcend?

@bitter, thanks for that idea .. I didn't even know those existed! Very cool, but hard to find a reliable one so far based off of reviews. Would hate for them to delete all my photos lol

I have one and it has works flawlessly. And all of the Transcend cards on B&H have 4 1/2 to 5 stars.
Epson makes a device for transfering images , think external hard drive with built in monitior. It isn't cheap. There are others but most don't allow you to view the images but they cost is much less.
Yes, there are stand alone image backup device (some of them with LCD screen).

Stand Alone Data Storage

I will consider that as a backup device. Backup the image from the memory card to it for redundancy while you are enjoying your trip.

Multiple 8 gig cards sounds good unless you are using high megapixels camera and shoot raw only.
just go to amazon and buy cheap SanDisk 8gb. You dont have to buy the top of the line one. It is not like you are going to burst your shot so many frames in a row.
I would take 1 16gb card and a few other you have as back up.
i would also take the laptop. I like to view my pictures on the laptop and review at the end of the day .
You know, after looking at the SanDisk prices. I might give those transcend cards a shot. For a class 10, you can't really beat it, plus I don't want to spend the money on a photo safe like those posted. The reviews are all over the place, not enough to trust imo.

I'm also debating on shooting raw the whole trip ... I just don't know how much I'll need hahaha! I know I can blast off tons of frames at a local park, so I'm thinking 4 8gb cards along with my 4gb should be enough. What do yall think?
I would take 1 16gb card and a few other you have as back up.
i would also take the laptop. I like to view my pictures on the laptop and review at the end of the day .

The laptop idea, while it would be great to review shots, it's not something I really need to do (plus, I'd rather not get my laptop stolen lol). I won't be editing any while on the trip, so I can just peep them out on the LCD.
I also use Transcend cards for both the 5dmk2 and the T1i and they work extremely well.
Why don't you save yourself some money and take some blank discs when your cards are full just go to a phtography shop and have them put on a disc or go into an Internet cafe and do it yourself
I would take 1 16gb card and a few other you have as back up.
i would also take the laptop. I like to view my pictures on the laptop and review at the end of the day .

The laptop idea, while it would be great to review shots, it's not something I really need to do (plus, I'd rather not get my laptop stolen lol). I won't be editing any while on the trip, so I can just peep them out on the LCD.

Ok. you shouldnt take it if you dont need it, i agree. thats a preference, but why do you think it would be stolen? I recently came back from a trip in italy, stayed at 4 different hotels. I Never put the laptop away when i left the hotel. I went out 9am every morning and came back 9pm every evening. There were no incidents and it was quite safe.

Have you had your laptop stolen in europe before? Have you had your laptop stolen anywhere else before? has anyone had their laptop stolen in europe?

Hope you enjoy your trip. Where do you guys plan to go ?

Why don't you save yourself some money and take some blank discs when your cards are full just go to a phtography shop and have them put on a disc or go into an Internet cafe and do it yourself

I'm going to be traveling all over, don't really want the burden on trying to find an internet cafe and one that speaks English. I'd much rather spend 50-70 in cards than that.

Have you had your laptop stolen in europe before? Have you had your laptop stolen anywhere else before? has anyone had their laptop stolen in europe?

Hope you enjoy your trip. Where do you guys plan to go ?
I haven't had my laptop stolen anywhere before, but I don't have much trust in Hotel staffs lol. I've heard too many horror stories from personal friends to not trust anything of value there. It's not just a European thing either, just haven't needed my laptop in travels. Plus, I don't feel like carrying it on the flight, would rather my camera be my carry on.

We're flying into Frankfurt and from there we're doing Germany (small town where we have friends for 3 days) Paris, Amsterdam, Belgium, Italy ... that I know of so far. We'll be down there for 14 days :P Should be fun. HOPEFULLY getting my Sigma 10-20 for xmas, so that should come in handy over there :)

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