Goose Question


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Jun 20, 2008
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I found two goose nests in a local "park". Both have one goose sitting on the nests (with eggs), and another guarding it. I leave them alone.

But I want to know about what time of the year they eggs hatch so I can hopefully get some nice baby goose pics. Anyone know?
I found two goose nests in a local "park". Both have one goose sitting on the nests (with eggs), and another guarding it. I leave them alone.

But I want to know about what time of the year they eggs hatch so I can hopefully get some nice baby goose pics. Anyone know?
Springtime? or did you want the specific day. :lol:

Google to find out how long it takes for the eggs to incubate?
at a very rough guess (based on pheasant and chicken incubation times) your looking between 20 and 30 days incubation time with a rough average around 25 days.
Granted this might be different for geese but its giving you a rough idea to work from - however if you don't know the starting date then I think its going to be a case of getting there as much as you can and waiting since you won't know what day to start the count from.
Good luck :)
Thank you for the replies. Guess I'll just go often as I can and hope for the best :)
Really all you can do is check back daily. At one point they will hatch.

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