Hello from Cairo! :)


TPF Noob!
Sep 30, 2020
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi! Amateur photographer from Alexandria, Egypt, here. Currently based in Cairo. Love experimenting with and combining different art mediums. Love exploring themes of vulnerability, softness, and identity through my photos.

Trying to work on improving my technical skills at the moment. I primarily shoot with a Nikon D5100 and a 35 mm f 1.8 lens. Also in dire need of honing my editing skills! :D
Welcome! I believe complete satisfaction with our editing skills will never come to fruition. We will always desire to improve. That's the only way we can. I think you will find this forum helpful and nurturing in your journey. :)
Greetings from the SW US.
Hello and welcome.
Hello and welcome!
Hi there, always been fascinated in Egypt. I studied Ancient History for my BA and used to focus a lot on Egypt. My fiance (from Algeria) has been introducing me to a lot of your culture!

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