Hello World!


TPF Noob!
Mar 18, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hey everyone, my name's Kevin I'm a Junior in High School and I have taken a year of film photography in my Sophomore year which sparked a passion for photography in me. Next year I plan on taking another year, but of digital photography. I'm not very knowledgeable, so I'm very excited to learn a lot. I intend on purchasing (hopefully) a Canon Rebel T4i and hopefully you guys can help me with my hobby!

Edit: If you guys have any time to answer some very newbie questions...
Say I want to have a very long shutter speed for light painting, can I make it (the Rebel's built-in) flash for a small amount of time?
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Welcome aboard Kevin! I think you will find plenty of help here ;)!
Welcome, Kevin! You probably have picked up more information from your class than you realize. ;)

As for additional questions, look around the forum and see if you can find the right category. General questions from beginners can usually fit right in the Beginner's forum, for instance. Enjoy the forum!
Welcome to the site.
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I hope to settle in swiftly.

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