

TPF Noob!
Jun 11, 2013
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Iain from Liverpool here :)

Got into photography with my first digital camera, a Canon Powershot A520. Had numerous point & click film cameras before that but never showed an interest in anything beyond snapshots. It was playing with the Canon's semi-manual modes, and the instant feedback (how did you all manage before!) that really got me interested.

After 5 years with the Powershot I decided to treat myself to a DSLR and bought a Nikon D5100. Shortly afterwards the Powershot passed away, one day it just wouldn't turn on, it must have known :rolleyes:

12 months on and I feel like I'm getting a grip on the SLR now, what to do with it, and how to use the filters I bought with it. My interest is landscapes, particularly mountains; I do a lot of hill walking and I'm always on the lookout for a good shot; looking for a good composition and light; imagining the picture I want to create and thinking how I can get there.

I don't think anything I've got at the moment is worth sharing on here but I hope to get there soon, I look forward to pestering you all for advice :D
Welcome to the site.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

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