
W.T. Photography

TPF Noob!
Sep 29, 2015
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Hello, My name is Brittany I have been a photographer since 2010. I have been doing photography as a hobby/paid hobby for a few years now. I ended up taking a break for a while due to my health and unfortunate family circumstances. I am back and better than ever. I am ready to make this more than a hobby. I know that I have a lot left let to learn. Photography is my passion and I love that it challenges you everyday!

On a personal note I am a mother to two gorgeous children and have been married for almost 8 years! they are my life and inspiration! I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning as much as possible!!

Thank you for listening to me babble!
have a fantastic day!

Hey Brittany! Our Usernames Match :P

Welcome to the forum!! It's an amazing place and you'll learn a lot from being here!!

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