Horse & Bike - C+C


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 15, 2012
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Panama, Central America
Can others edit my Photos
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This shot was taken on the return trip from my visit to the Irazu Volcano here in Costa Rica. As you can tell from the pic, there was a lot of fog, so I have no good pics of the crater, but I did manage to get a couple of pics I like, one of which is this one:



Can you elabotaye a bit? I did not understand the getting into subject part...

Unfortunately, the last edit removed too much of the angle which carries the image's sense of movement. The angle of the road is not a tilted horizon to be corrected, if that was the intention. But, B&W is a good choice in this case as it helps focus attention on the "dance" between the two subjects.
I noticed that ...there is some added exertion on the side of the boy, which suggests an upward journey....
The edit is just an off-spring ;)
How about this for a bit of a different look?


Unfortunately, the other guy's jacket has VERY little color, so I dedided to keep it like this...
I think this is a case of the subject being more interesting than the photo. It's a great scene; a guy on a bicycle being pulled along by a horse, but the photo doesn't have much artistic merit (at least for me). The exposure is quite good apart from the hotspot on the back of the yellow coat and the swirling mist adds some more interest.

The scene is interesting, but the photo is not exciting enough considering what's going on in the shot.

Oh, and BTW, selective colouring will not make it any more artistic. It rarely makes anything more artistic. The highlighted yellow coat is not the most important part of that image, so the fact that it is the only thing left with colour makes little sense.

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