How can I fix this??


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 26, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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I took some pictures for my friend today and we went to try out a new location that I had never been to. I told her to bring a neutral blanket for the baby. Well, she brought a bright pink and plaid blanket. I didn't want to use it so I used a small white blanket I had in my car. I have some great pictures of a darling baby in a cute tutu with dirt in the background. Is there any way the background can be fixed? I have Lightroom and Photoshop Elements. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Here's an example..

What do you want to do to it? What do you mean by "fixed"?
What do you want to do to it? What do you mean by "fixed"?
How can I fix the dirt in the background. Do I just clone the blanket or is there a better way?
I wasn't paying attention. lol, you just want the dirt gone?
That's what I would do, just clone and heal as needed. Hard part is around the hair. in the first one, I didnt spend much time around hair, then in the second one I played with various things a bit to see what I could do. lol


Access to the full-size original file is what is needed.
yup, that's why I don't spend much time on it, just to give a quick idea kind of thing. soon as I zoomed in to do the hair it was super pixellated. lol.
Why did you shoot from above ? Get down to the same level

Because I wanted to.. This isn't the only picture I took. I start standing up and work my way down so I have a variety of different pictures. I just posted this one as an example.
That's what I would do, just clone and heal as needed. Hard part is around the hair. in the first one, I didnt spend much time around hair, then in the second one I played with various things a bit to see what I could do. lol

View attachment 12589

View attachment 12590

Thank you for taking the time to help me out.. I'll try this tomorrow.
In addition to cloning the blanket up to the top of the frame, I would use a gradient to darken
and tint the upper part to create more contrast between the baby's head and background.
This would also give the image a bit more depth. The masking for this will need to be done
carefully so it won't look faked.


Beautiful.. I like the way the gradient map gave it depth. I'll be sure to try that as well.
TamiAz said:
Because I wanted to.. This isn't the only picture I took. I start standing up and work my way down so I have a variety of different pictures. I just posted this one as an example.

Why not post your best

Here is an edit I did. Added a bit of bg on the left
Another thing you need to think about is where you position the mum , if i was shooting this i would be laid on the floor with the mum behind me. because it is very obvious where the mum is standing in this shot

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