How much editing do you do?

Just used the clone brush in GIMP (GIMP is free software for photo editing) an cloned that sucker right out of there! There are tons of GIMP tutorials on youtube.
I just did a photo shoot with my 3 year old to get some practice with my camera :) And I can already tell that I had the F-stop set incorrectly as they are overexposed, but I can fix them with editing. My question is how much editing do you typically do to a photo? I got some great shots but like I said overexposed!

Care to post some pictures that you have snapped in unedited format and the post the edited version?


Well... I use Gimp for any editing that I feel is needed or may help show the image as how I see it.

Generally, I keep my editing to a minimum, adjusting the levels and curves a bit to adjust brightness, contrast and saturation to my liking... A also use editing to Crop and change the tone/mood I am trying to project (black and white... sepia...)

But occasionally I will add an effect to my photos... For example (yes I posted these here previously in a different thread...)

The original


The edit

Okay here is a sample picture I took today totally unedited.....


I think you edit as little or as much as you want. Some edits are obvious, like exposure, curves etc. And other edits may just be to elements that distract from the image you want to convey.

Full tree removal.

Okay here is a sample picture I took today totally unedited.....


I think you edit as little or as much as you want. Some edits are obvious, like exposure, curves etc. And other edits may just be to elements that distract from the image you want to convey.

Full tree removal.


OMG I love that! Please share with me what software you used and how you did that! I really need to find a PS tutorial to teach me how to use it! It looks way better with the tree removed!
Photoshop CS3

I used techniques suggested by the other members (curves, levels, contrast), but it is mostly the clone tool at various flow to remove the trees. This probably isn't a ton of help for you, but the best I can say is check youtube for clone tool tutorials and practice using the tool.
Photoshop CS3

I used techniques suggested by the other members (curves, levels, contrast), but it is mostly the clone tool at various flow to remove the trees. This probably isn't a ton of help for you, but the best I can say is check youtube for clone tool tutorials and practice using the tool.

No it is (was) as I used the tool and removed the tree, however I can't figure out how to clean up my sky! So I will practice more this evening!

Love your edited verison:mrgreen:

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