How to achieve this effect?


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2013
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Davao City, Philippines
Can others edit my Photos
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Hi guys.. I just want to ask on how to achieve this effect? I tried everything i "think" the technique on achieving this. I tried to use long exposures and then zooming while the shutter is open, but i think it isn't the right method. I researched on the internet but i cant find the tutorial about this one.. So could you please teach me? Thank you so mch..

That's the technique you're describing; use a long shutter speed and either zoom in or out during hte exposure. For some reason that image looks to me like it was a post-processing effect however, not done in-camera.
That's the technique you're describing; use a long shutter speed and either zoom in or out during hte exposure. For some reason that image looks to me like it was a post-processing effect however, not done in-camera.

but i can't do it right. How to do it right? Also, im not convinced that this technique isn't photoshoped. Since, i also saw this kind of picture taken by my photographer buddy using my camera. Didn't saw him how he captured it, but i just saw it when i got home and have taken a look at my shots in my LCD screen.
That's the technique you're describing; use a long shutter speed and either zoom in or out during hte exposure. For some reason that image looks to me like it was a post-processing effect however, not done in-camera.

but i can't do it right. How to do it right?
Use a slower shutter to make it easier on yourself, and start zooming just before pressing the shutter button; Don't try to press the shutter button and start zooming at the same time - zooming should already be in progress when you trip the shutter.
You just zoom in and out during the the exposure. It takes a while to get the hang of it.
I have done this quite often in the digital era. I normally like to zoom from a longer focal length at the start of the exposure and back, to a shorter length. If the lens has it, I opt to turn VR or IS to the ON position. It can also be combined with flash for some weird effects. Some lenses are easier to do this effect with. Practice helps. Here is a sunrise picture I shot, done with a zoom during a slow, hand-held exposure.

$zoom + slow exposure.webp
That's the technique you're describing; use a long shutter speed and either zoom in or out during hte exposure. For some reason that image looks to me like it was a post-processing effect however, not done in-camera.

but i can't do it right. How to do it right?
Use a slower shutter to make it easier on yourself, and start zooming just before pressing the shutter button; Don't try to press the shutter button and start zooming at the same time - zooming should already be in progress when you trip the shutter.

This is what I was going to suggest. If you struggle doing two things at once you could try setting your drive mode to 2-second timer. That way, you trigger the shot and while the timer ticks down divert 100% of your attention to the zooming aspect. Probably not necessary after a bit of practice, though.

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