I found some eagles and struggled today

Ohh man, that just hurts. One of the hardest things I ever had to do was take in our sweet heart newfy to find she had bone cancer and not bring her home.
I was just about to comment on the wonderful and expressive picture of your dog....and then I read the comments. I'm so sorry for your loss. We went through the same a few years back with our Bear. A puppy at heart, though 12 years old. One day, out of the blue, his hind legs would no longer support him. I hope her memory will always keep you company as you are out looking for birds.

Ya that is sad, they are part of the family, hang in there.
Sorry to hear about Beluga, it's always hard to lose a friend. It's been a 2-1/2 years since we lost Jasper and still miss him.
I choked up reading this. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My roux dog is my child. I can't imagine this. I almost lost her when she was 2 - she had a severe reaction to an unknown critter (vet thinks lizard or spider). Almost lost her on the table. I was hysterical the whole time - a grown man crying like a child while she looked up at me completely unable to move. Time will heal but you will forever have the memories. Best wishes to you.
I am so sorry for your loss - she was a beautiful dog. I still feel the pain and it's been 12 years for me.

Your eagles, as always, are amazing
Thank you for everyone's kind words of support. Our house is very empty this morning. I will be back to my birds soon. I have left a few people hanging with PM's but I will get back to my answers soon. Sincerely thank you.
So sorry to hear Coastal :(
We understand - take your time.
And by the way, I love #1 and #2.
Thank you for everyone's kind words of support. Our house is very empty this morning. I will be back to my birds soon. I have left a few people hanging with PM's but I will get back to my answers soon. Sincerely thank you.

No rush on mine. Praying that you will find some solace in wonderful memories of your faithful companion.
Coastal - always remember that the decision, while hard for you and your wife, was definitely the best thing for your friend. I think too often pet owners hold off on putting their pets down because of how the decision makes the owner feels, and in doing so forget that the pet is actually the one physically suffering.

As for the eagles - stunning as per usual......

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