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I have a job interview coming up (Animal photography)..need a few tips


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I have an interview to take pictures of dogs at a fancy dog kenal for their website. They want someone part time taking photos for the website, and I think for customers to be able to see their "happy" dogs at the "camp". :D
They told me they wanted me to take pictures of some dogs, and edit them in photoshop to see if I fit what they are looking for. They saw my flickr page and told me they liked my photos, but I just don't know if I have EVERYTHING they are looking for. They said they want someone who knows photoshop at an intermediate level. I can crop, add contrast, play with colors, all that stuff, but would you think that's an intermediate knowlage of it?? Or should I quickly cram everything I possibly can into my head before I schedule it?
Also, do you have any special tips that I can use for shooting dogs??
I'm just a little nervous. I don't want to pass up a good oppertunity because of something silly like not knowing enough about photoshop!
Why would you need to know loads about photoshop:S If your photos forfill the brief and the client is happy then thats the job done.
How are they gunna find out how much you know about photoshop as well? Just tell them you know lots if thats what they want to here.
Good Luck.
^As the interview, they want to see me take some pictures of the dogs, and "do an edit of some sort".
Lighting and selective focus with good composition will take you further than photoshop ever will. Photoshop isn't going to make-or-break something like this. Most likely, i'd imagine what they want, won't even require photoshop. As long as you compose and expose carefully, I bet you can get away with shooting jpeg and leaving the adjustments to the camera.

Get down low, and shoot the critters at eye level, that way you'll engage the viewer better since everyone knows what a dog looks like from looking at them from 5 feet up.
Out of curiosity, what is the link to the site you might be taking pictures for?
I would not worry about PhotoShop. Many people think that they need something when they really don't. They probably have heard stories about the great things that PS can do and assume that they should have it too.

For example, when I worked in a job doing audio reenforcement, every once in a while a client, who probably had a cool car stereo, would ask "how many watts are those speakers?"

Now, I could go into the the details about, power, sound pressure level, sensitivity, the logarithmic perception of volume, and why just knowing how many watts the amplifier could output, was completely useless on its own, because its all relative to the other parts of the equation.

But my answer was "150 watts per channel"
his response "oh, that sounds pretty good."

Your situation:
Q) Are you proficient at Photo Shop?
A) Yes, I can provide what you need.
Awesome, thanks so much for your guys's help! Realllly appretiated!
Besides what good is cramming going to do you anyway??? you know what you know and you should stand by that and don't try and go out and cram your head full of things that you dont know how to practicaly apply.
For example, when I worked in a job doing audio reenforcement, every once in a while a client, who probably had a cool car stereo, would ask "how many watts are those speakers?"

Now, I could go into the the details about, power, sound pressure level, sensitivity, the logarithmic perception of volume, and why just knowing how many watts the amplifier could output, was completely useless on its own, because its all relative to the other parts of the equation.

But my answer was "150 watts per channel"
his response "oh, that sounds pretty good."
So true with nearly everything that is "technology" to those who don't understand the technology. I can remember people not believing me when I simply told them "16 watts" since my system was 6 drivers + 2 subs all driven by a Kenwood KAC-642 4 channel 16 watt per channel amp. And it definitely rocked (no rap...)

You constantly hear folks say they need a new hard drive because their computer is slow or similar. Or wanting that uber expensive graphics card for gaming when they haven't a clue about their Celeron 1.8 GHz processor.
So true with nearly everything that is "technology" to those who don't understand the technology. I can remember people not believing me when I simply told them "16 watts" since my system was 6 drivers + 2 subs all driven by a Kenwood KAC-642 4 channel 16 watt per channel amp. And it definitely rocked (no rap...)

so true about technology, many people would rather make assumptions rather than do a little research.

16 watts sounds about right, with a very good amp design. Most car "head units" are really about 14 watts, regardless of the "52w x 4" sticker in on the front. :lol:
Maybe I'm a dummy but it's a dog kennel...not an art gallery. If you can take good pictures then you don't even NEED Photoshop. A good picture is a good picture, regardless of how it got to be that way. Just go in there and show 'em what you got! I can understand that they want good pictures to enhance their professional image but come on...since when is Photoshop an absolute requirement to make good pictures? Of course, they may have more in mind than just making pictures look good. If they want to do more stuff with the pictures than just post them on their website (collages and such), then I can see why they want someone with an "intermediate" knowledge of Photoshop. I can do all the basics and some creative stuff but there's so very much that you can do with PS that I wonder what is considered "intermediate" knowledge.
Maybe I'm a dummy but it's a dog kennel...not an art gallery. If you can take good pictures then you don't even NEED Photoshop. A good picture is a good picture, regardless of how it got to be that way. Just go in there and show 'em what you got! I can understand that they want good pictures to enhance their professional image but come on...since when is Photoshop an absolute requirement to make good pictures? Of course, they may have more in mind than just making pictures look good. If they want to do more stuff with the pictures than just post them on their website (collages and such), then I can see why they want someone with an "intermediate" knowledge of Photoshop. I can do all the basics and some creative stuff but there's so very much that you can do with PS that I wonder what is considered "intermediate" knowledge.

I think you are a dummy but not for the reason you might think. I don't know if you missed this part in the original post:

They said they want someone who knows photoshop at an intermediate level.

so really your opinion about what makes a good image matters not one whit when the potential employer asks for a certain skill you either have it you lie about it and fudge your way through or you don't get the job.
It sounds like they ae looking for a photographer/graphic designer. Why else would they care if you knew photoshop? If they just wanted a photog, they would just look at your photos. I'll bet they ask you to do some graphic design in Photoshop.

I am suprised that they would want to "watch" you edit a photo. I would turn them down. Either your photos are good enough or they are not. It is just a dog kennel website. It is not like you are shooting for a magazine.
What do you mean turn them down??? the guy is going for a job interview he wants the job turn them down would imply they need him in wich case what would be the point of the interview. The place can require whatever they want for whatever reasons they want if someone is qualified and accepts the offer of a job so be it. Besides I am sure if this guy "turns them down" there will be ten other guys in line to take the same job for half the money just for experience.
Besides what good is cramming going to do you anyway??? you know what you know and you should stand by that and don't try and go out and cram your head full of things that you dont know how to practicaly apply.
Yeah, I guess. I was just thinking maybe if they said something like "Can you make this photo ____ I would remember what tool can do that, instead of just saying "uhhh, I don't know how to do that". I think I am just thinking about it too much though.

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