I Heard Y'all Like Birds


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 22, 2013
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Omaha, NE
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I took this one a while back. I haven't really ventured into bird watching/photographing, not sure why because they're so beautiful.

Also, any clue what species this guy is? Found him driving through my neighborhood and was lucky to have my camera in the back seat. Don't mind the bird poop...
I don't normally comment on photos of birds, but hats off to the first photo. Awesome.
Yep, that's it! I chased him from light to light. He was a good sport.

@Tyler- Thanks!
#1 really imparts the sense of motion........WOW
Thanks fellas. It was a while back with a Canon XSI and a kit lens. I had no idea what I was doing with the thing to be completely honest. Just got lucky.
These photos are pretty unbelievable. A high bar to set for a VERY entry-level person like me. First post here, yay!!

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