if you where me!!!!@


TPF Noob!
Mar 27, 2011
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If you had nothing but a rebel xti amd the kit lens that came with it what would be the first thing you would purchase to go with it?
How much money are we talking about..? What do you feel that you need that the kit lens can't deliver for you? A bag, extra batteries, CF cards, lenses? It's all vague.
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All depends how much money I have to spend - how much I actually want to commit to it (how interested I am) and also what I intend to do.
There are many common "new photographer" items you can buy from tripods to flashes to lenses - however which one is best to go for depends on the above questions - and these will be different for each person.
a 50mm f1.8
1. Do you have a CF card and how big is it? You can't shoot without CF card.
2. extra battery. I assume you have one already.
3. Bag
4. Tripod
5. Lens
6. Flash
7. Filter . I want filter before flash b/c I like landscape. What pics do you like?
8. Good Lens
9. Good Better Lens
10. Better Camera.
Yah, KmH, that came off a little too smarmy on my part anyhow. Should have put the "wink" at the end instead of just trying to be a smart-ass. Spelling's my pet peeve. My apologies for the rudeness, invncblsonic143. I'd recommend a UV or clear lens filter to protect your lens from scratches (although some would say that's not really that necessary, especially for a kit lens - that being said I have one on mine). I'd also recommend a good but affordable tripod. You'll get a lot more of those shots that you'd otherwise be unhappy with just hand-holding the camera. I'd also say perhaps a better flash than the one that comes on the camera. This all depends on your budget.
Poor spelling is a peeve of mine too. But we all need to proofread for typos, and it sucks we can't edit the thread titles here at TPF. We can on some other forums.

Using all lower case letters is a sure way to make me just move on, not read any that was written, and offer no help whatsoever.

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