infrared compatible i see why. the manual states that there is an ir sensor and makes conservative statements regarding fogging.

when i shot it in europe, i didn't even give it a second thought and no fogging at all. just did some poking around and it appears that others have experienced the same; no fogging.

From: (J. Swartzfeger)
Subject: Re: Best AF 35mm SLR for IR photography?
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>At 2:39 PM -0700 4/7/02, Jay Swartzfeger wrote:
>>I'm going to buy my first SLR, mainly to do B/W and IR. I was
>>seriously considering either a Rebel 2000 or an Elan 7, but then i
>>discovered both cameras have an internal IR sensor that can fog IR
> Yes, those cameras can fog IR, which is frustrating. Whether you
>should get a different camera or brand of cameras depends on how
>often you see yourself shooting IR, I guess. You could get an EOS
>10s for a lot less than a new Elan 7. It can shoot HIE without
>fogging and is a pretty capable camera.
> - Neil K.

Just as a followup, I visited the forums at and many
N80 users have shot Kodak HIE with no fogging at all.

Since I was leaning toward an N80 anyway, I think this confirmation
makes the N80 my choice.

Thanks for everyone's input!
I've actually been leaning towards Nikon, a couple have been recommended to me, the N80, the FM10 and the FM3a.

I'm very pleasantly surprised with the huge, helpful response to my question. thanks, everyone! :D

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