Is it just me?


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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When someone describes themselves as "making images" my hackles rise. It's become the most pompous sounding thing ever to me. I try to just say "picture" these days. Or, photograph, if it's necessary to distinguish or it's not otherwise clear from context. It seems like a stock phrase designed to carry "I am serious, not like those other jerks" connotations as much as it is to describe the process of aiming and pressing a button.
I make memories.

(how are your hackles?)
My hackles are IN ORBIT.

Readying their SPACE LASERS.
honestly....ive never even thought about the phrases people use in that way.
ive always just assumed its just some phrase they picked up somewhere, or is what was said around them, and it just stuck.
I never figured there was any actual thought that went into how they described their end product.
picture, image, photograph, photo...all sounds the same to me.

then again....
what DOES bother me is people that break down being a photographer into some made-up little cliches like "lifestyle photographer" or "natural light" photographer.
its like saying "im a mid size sedan driver", or "im a 24 ounce hammer carpenter"
Do these people who say this own a beret?

Pretentious twits.
Andrew, glad to see that you're exercising your hackles. Flabby hackles are just not nice - they rise too slowly, and without conviction. Now fit hackles are a sight to behold. I assume you're giving yours the appropriate amount of exercise.

Now for the subject of the said hackles... What's wrong with "making images"? It's one of the many synonyms of "Pictures", as are snaps, pics, shots... It's more the tone of voice they use that would make me wonder of the intentions - haunty and snooty affectations do deserve derision. But otherwise... it's just another word.
Do these people who say this also have some old film camera? I bet they own a beret also.

Hey! It's a fedora! Berets are lame.

Damn, in before the edit! I actually thought about if I would be offending you specifically when writing that. ;)

p.s. it's all about watch caps now.
I'm a guy with a camera, hat and beard - I want my own denomination of the social grouping to reflect others who share my specific credentials whilst at the same time achieving a similar level of quality (to my eye) and who have a proper beard and hat (none of those silly baseball caps for a start!)
Actually, a lot of the ways this is said get on my nerves:

"Here's a photo I made"

"Here's an image I made"

Just sounds a bit pompous
"Look at this sh*t that just came out of my camera!"
Actually, a lot of the ways this is said get on my nerves:

"Here's a photo I made"

"Here's an image I made"

Just sounds a bit pompous

yea, I think "lifestyle photographer" and "natural light photographer" sound pretty pompous too. your just a photographer people!
Here's an image I made:

Tom's BMW in Rain by BraineackPhoto, on Flickr[/IMG]

here's a picture I took:


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