Is it too early.....


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Aug 3, 2012
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Since it's barely fall now, is it too early to be missing summer fun on the lake?

Actually, you're late. I started missing summer back in September. I've moved straight on into dreading winter now. :D

Nice picture. I was just thinking this morning how very much I wish it could be summer all year long. Or at least never, ever be winter.
Actually, you're late. I started missing summer back in September. I've moved straight on into dreading winter now. :D

Nice picture. I was just thinking this morning how very much I wish it could be summer all year long. Or at least never, ever be winter.

I could not agree more. FL is looking more and more tempting. My retirement plan is St. Pete area with a week in New England every Fall and spend my summers on the coast of Maine.
Actually, you're late. I started missing summer back in September. I've moved straight on into dreading winter now. :D

Nice picture. I was just thinking this morning how very much I wish it could be summer all year long. Or at least never, ever be winter.

Thanks Sharon. This one was actually taken this past Saturday morning just about sunrise. It was cool here and I had on a hoodie but this image does make me want summer back.

It's never too early or too late to miss summer!

I agree John.

Actually, you're late. I started missing summer back in September. I've moved straight on into dreading winter now. :D

Nice picture. I was just thinking this morning how very much I wish it could be summer all year long. Or at least never, ever be winter.

I could not agree more. FL is looking more and more tempting. My retirement plan is St. Pete area with a week in New England every Fall and spend my summers on the coast of Maine.

Thank you Square. I agree that FL does seem like a great option.
Actually, you're late. I started missing summer back in September. I've moved straight on into dreading winter now. :D

Nice picture. I was just thinking this morning how very much I wish it could be summer all year long. Or at least never, ever be winter.

I could not agree more. FL is looking more and more tempting. My retirement plan is St. Pete area with a week in New England every Fall and spend my summers on the coast of Maine.

When I was a teen, both of my grandmothers lived in Florida (one a transplant from New York, the other from TN) along with several aunts, uncles and cousins. We spent a lot of time down there in the summer, but also often went at Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Back then, I hated Florida in December because it made it not "seem" like Christmas time. Even though I already hated the cold at that age, I did like the idea of snow at Christmas, and of course, fall with all the leaves changing colors. I just couldn't see the attraction of living there all year.

These days I would LOVE to live in Florida year round. I am more and more convinced every year that I'd be a lot happier if I never had to face another winter. I'll put up a Christmas Palm Tree and decorate it with flamingos! :lol:
But, it's hard to move away from a place you've called home for most of your...well, never mind how many years it's been. My friends are here, much of my family is LIFE is here.
Still, once my Mom is gone, I could absolutely see myself moving to Florida. Or maybe coastal South Carolina.
Actually, you're late. I started missing summer back in September. I've moved straight on into dreading winter now. :D

Nice picture. I was just thinking this morning how very much I wish it could be summer all year long. Or at least never, ever be winter.

I could not agree more. FL is looking more and more tempting. My retirement plan is St. Pete area with a week in New England every Fall and spend my summers on the coast of Maine.

When I was a teen, both of my grandmothers lived in Florida (one a transplant from New York, the other from TN) along with several aunts, uncles and cousins. We spent a lot of time down there in the summer, but also often went at Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Back then, I hated Florida in December because it made it not "seem" like Christmas time. Even though I already hated the cold at that age, I did like the idea of snow at Christmas, and of course, fall with all the leaves changing colors. I just couldn't see the attraction of living there all year.

These days I would LOVE to live in Florida year round. I am more and more convinced every year that I'd be a lot happier if I never had to face another winter. I'll put up a Christmas Palm Tree and decorate it with flamingos! :lol:
But, it's hard to move away from a place you've called home for most of your...well, never mind how many years it's been. My friends are here, much of my family is LIFE is here.
Still, once my Mom is gone, I could absolutely see myself moving to Florida. Or maybe coastal South Carolina.

So many of my friends are already living in FL that it would not be lonely for me there! I've been to FL 4 times in 2015 and another trip planned for December so I may as well be living there. But, like you, I cannot leave my mom here and when I wanted to move a few years ago and take her with me she didn't want to leave her other grandchildren. Now, my daughter is firmly entrenched in our community and school system so I have at least another 6-7 years here and then maybe more depending on where she goes to college. A Christmas palm tree sounds perfect, decorated with tiny pink flamingos and those cute little drink umbrellas!

Sorry to hijack your thread Ron! I'm already missing the rattle of beach chairs in the back of my car and we saw a few snowflakes on Sunday afternoon so I am really trying not to think about the coming winter.
I thought this was going to be about Christmas. I'm glad I was mistaken haha.

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