Legal stuff and photography


TPF Noob!
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Durham, UK
I was wondering where I can find info about what copyright laws apply to images. I'm making a website using Clikpic and I'm going to have a page called "Legal" which basicly describes the copyright of my photos, etc. Here is what I've currently written.


Copyright notice

All images contained on this site are copyrighted © Aleksander Helgaker 2006. You may not use or reproduce any of the photographs located on this site without prior written permission by me, the original creator of the photographs. Any breach of these terms and conditions are in direct violation of the UK copyright laws and can be pursuid by legal action.

If you wish to use my photographs in any way, please use the "Contact Me" form to send me a message. I will concider your request and answer it as soon as I can. I will usually grant permission for reproducing my photographs on the internett as long as my name and a link to my website is provided.

If you believe that someone is currently using my photographs without my permission, please contact me using the "Contact Me" page and title the mail "Breach of Copyright".

Thank you[/QUOT]

I don't actually know much about copyright law and so I was wondering if this would work. As you can see I'll be refering to UK laws. I live in Norway but I'll be moving to England this summer so it makes more sense that way. Also do I refer to UK copyright laws or British copyright laws or English copyright laws?
Now I'm not sure about the actual copyright notice, seems good to me but I don't know much about that. What I wanted to say is if you can include javascript in your website, add a script to disallow copy+paste of your photos.
Matty-Bass said:
Now I'm not sure about the actual copyright notice, seems good to me but I don't know much about that. What I wanted to say is if you can include javascript in your website, add a script to disallow copy+paste of your photos.

Various websites try and disable right clicking of images and preventing of downloading of images but anyone with any computer savvy can bypass these.
Every image you view is stored on your pc - whether you like it or not. Those who know where to look, can easily access where those images are stored and simply copy them to another location and use them as they wish.
Yeah I read somewhere that when a person take a picture, they legally hold the copyright to that image, regardless of if they have registered it or not. The problem ocours if someone does use your work and you can't prove that it belongs to you, then a properly filed copyright would have saved your skin, if you had one.
Try this link, and get a copy. Barns and Nobel should carry it as well.


Keep in mind that the copyright laws are now being adjusted here in the US.

Now as I understand it, (and I may be WWWAAAYYY wrong on this), so take it with a grain of salt; but once the photo is in public domain (meaning available to the public) you can view it on your computer or what/whereever as much as you want. It is when you try to take credit or profit off of the image is when you get into trouble if you havent been granted CR rights.

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