Leopard Shot


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey folks,

Shot this yesterday at the OKC Zoo, but wasn't happy with the original. The day started out with good cloud cover but then got sunny, so I wound up getting some harsh glare from the chain link fence I had to shoot through (and the light on the cat is more than I liked)... but, I liked the image of the cat itself and didn't want to junk the photo.. so I played in photoshop with the goal of salvaging the image as maybe a desktop wallpaper. C&C Welcome.. thanks guys and gals!

The photo looks excellent to me. Whenever I shoot critters with whiskers that's the first thing I check for sharpness. Your kitty's whiskers are tack sharp.
ShooterJ, looks good but the thing that I'm noticing is the highlights and shadows on the back (camera left lower corner.) I took a shot at editing it using dodge and burn to even it out a little bit.

Awesome.. thanks Ron! It was bugging me too but I hadn't learned enough about photoshop yet to edit it without trashing the image.
Awesome.. thanks Ron! It was bugging me too but I hadn't learned enough about photoshop yet to edit it without trashing the image.

Anytime, I think it could use more tweaking to it, but the online photoshop.com is VERY limited. I'll play with it more tonight and see what I can come up with.

Use layers in photoshop and you don't have to worry about trashing it.
Cool. I'm familiar with layers but handnt learned much about dodge and burn yet. I appreciate the info and feedback. Make any edits you like, it helps me learn.
ShooterJ, I did one with LR4 using dodge and burn brushes and then I did one with PSE Layers and masks Which do you like best? To me #2 is better. The white back there I believe is blown out because I couldn't do anything with it.

#1 seems like the best edit. Looks more evenly distributed. Nice job Ron.
Cool. I've been thinking about getting LR... think I may have to go ahead and do it.
Well I'm sold on checking into it. And again, that was a really nice edit. I appreciate your help and input Ron.

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