Little Buddy! C&C


TPF Noob!
Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score
Fox Cities, WI
Can others edit my Photos
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Well, he's not so little anymore, but he is practically my brother - known him a long time. Here is one of his Senior pictures. Please C&C! :lmao::greenpbl:

I was hoping for a C&C on composition and the lighting. Thanks.

If you're looking for critique on a specific aspect, it helps to specifiy that! ;)

C&C per req:

The lighting is fine; I think given the subject's appearance and the location, had it been a bit more dramatic, that wouldn't have been a bad thing, however, as-is, it's fine. Composition? I'd prefer to see a little less space above his head and a little more image right. While it's minor, you've nipped the edge of his coat-sleeve n his left arm.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

less headroom there is nothing interesting all the way up there. too much light on his face get some directionality with your light you will add a little drama to the image which with the background would make sense. Also watch your angles too many lines are tilting along with him
I was hoping for a C&C on composition and the lighting. Thanks.

I'd be open to all C&C because the softness was the first thing that struck me as well. Being soft defeats the effort of using the window as a focusing element(unless that was accidental). I find the red of the pepsi can distracting especially because the flow of the jacket directs eye movement there. Here is an edit with improved sharpness and you can determine whether it was an important comment or not.

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