Looking for ideas for new Rangefinder Camera


TPF Noob!
Nov 29, 2011
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I have been enjoying my Canonette GL 17III, but it appears that it may be on its way out and failing. The canon was my first Rangefinder and I love the simplistic style and small body size.

That being said I am looking to upgrade to a new range finder system.

The Bessa Cameras I see mentioned quite often, seem to be getting very good reviews, as well the Voiglander Lenses seem to be well spoken of.
The other camera system I was looking at would be the Zeiss Ikon, along with the Zeiss Glass.
I know these to camera systems are in different price points, but I am wondering if anyone has experience with them and can give me their thoughts.
Most often the lenses I would be using would be in the 35-50mm range to start.
Thanks in advance for you time.
What is your budget? A Bessa with Nokton 35/1.4 would be less than half of the Zeiss with a C-Sonnar, for example.
I thinking it would be nice to get a camera that had a meter. I have heard good things about the meters in both of the above cameras.
Does the M4 use the M or screw mount lenses?
Brian, budget is subjective, quaility being key. I have found the Zeiss Ikon w/ 35mm f2 biogon for $2371cad, and have found Bessa R3M w/ 50mm f2 heliar anniversary edition for $1200us.
both cameras are brand new.
I have done some more researching as per gsgary's suggestion.

I have found a dealer in Canada that has a M6 Wetzlar (black) great condition, that he will kit with a 50mm f2 summinar for $2500, or a 35mm f2.8 summicron for $2300.
I'm thinking that with this kit I will get a mechanical camera w/ metering, and should not have any problems recouping my $$ when time comes to sell it.
Is one of the above lenses recommended over the other?
Thanks in advance.
I have done some more researching as per gsgary's suggestion.

I have found a dealer in Canada that has a M6 Wetzlar (black) great condition, that he will kit with a 50mm f2 summinar for $2500, or a 35mm f2.8 summicron for $2300.
I'm thinking that with this kit I will get a mechanical camera w/ metering, and should not have any problems recouping my $$ when time comes to sell it.
Is one of the above lenses recommended over the other?
Thanks in advance.

My most used lens on my m4 is 28mm, 35mm is very popular on m's, it all depends what you shoot. The HCB M6 or William Klien M6 would be nice only 1 of each ever made
The 35mm f2.8 is a chrome lens and the 50mm f2 is black. I know its only a color, but....lol
I have heard a lot of positive reviews on the Voiglander glass, I can pick up a 35mm F1.4 for less than 1/2 of a 35mm f2.8 leica, understanding of course that they are not the same lenses.
Thanks to all for the replies.
I have pulled the trigger and ordered the M6 w/ the 50mm f2 summicron. :headbang:

Now all I have to do is wait for it to get here.:waiting:

I decided on the 50mm as it is a focal length I am very familiar with and quite fond of, but I'm sure I will be ordering another lens to compliment it soon enough, lol.
The 35mm f2.8 is a chrome lens and the 50mm f2 is black. I know its only a color, but....lol
I have heard a lot of positive reviews on the Voiglander glass, I can pick up a 35mm F1.4 for less than 1/2 of a 35mm f2.8 leica, understanding of course that they are not the same lenses.

I have 2 Voigtlander 28mmF2 ultron very sharp even at F2 and the 40mmF1.4 Nokton, but i think i will be getting the 50mmF1.1 Nokton as good as the Noctilux F1 wide open
Thanks to all for the replies.
I have pulled the trigger and ordered the M6 w/ the 50mm f2 summicron. :headbang:

Now all I have to do is wait for it to get here.:waiting:

I decided on the 50mm as it is a focal length I am very familiar with and quite fond of, but I'm sure I will be ordering another lens to compliment it soon enough, lol.

I hope you enjoy it i love my M4 i have not used my digital cameras since buying it they are so nice to use
I can vouch for the voigtlanders... very good glass for the price.

28mm f/1.9 ultron
12mm Heliar
35mm f/1.2 nokton
90mm Lanthar

I didn't see the answer to your previous question. Yes you can use screw mount lenses on an M-mount Leica. There are inexpensive adapters... just make sure you get the appropriate adapter that brings up the correct frame lines. I was actually going to suggest the a CLA'd M3 Single stroke and a 50mm. I chose to keep my M3 over my M6 Titanium (classic) for its less busy frame line and its rangefinder patch was more flare resistant. There is a common notion in the Leica community.... The problem with Leica is that their first M rangefinder, the M3, was so good that it set the bar too high for later iterations.

Congrats on your M6. Which one did you get? Classic or TTL. I'm assuming the Summicron is from the same time period.... highly regarded lens.
The M6 is the classic, and yes the Summicron is from the same time period, both black.
I can't wait for it to arrive. Last night I finished up rolling the rest of my HP 5+ and tonight I think I will roll up a bunch of FP4 Plus.

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