Maternity C&C please.....


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 28, 2012
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I have only done a handful of maternity but seem to have some issues on composition and posing women properly so nitpicky C&C would be great thanks
I feel that I'm not qualified to c&c but I'll offer personal opinion. I don't mind the posing of her in this one but I would like to see her a little more pominent in the frame. (To me you have plenty of head room to work with on this. Maybe even cut a little bit more off the right side of the photo (behind her). Did you add a vingette?
I feel that I'm not qualified to c&c but I'll offer personal opinion. I don't mind the posing of her in this one but I would like to see her a little more pominent in the frame. (To me you have plenty of head room to work with on this. Maybe even cut a little bit more off the right side of the photo (behind her). Did you add a vingette?

Yes I did.....I have one without too but was playing a bit with some different textures in post. That is specifically why I posted this one to see what everyone would say. :) Do you like it or ditch it?
Materinity photography is portraiture so the key goal is to show the person. That means they should be prominent in the frame. The location is also important. I look at this image, and I think, "Why is there a woman in a long dress standing barefoot on a gravel road?". It doesn't make sense to me. Additionally, the road is a great leading line, but your placement of the subject, her clothing choice and your use of the vignette mean that the eye follows the brighter road right past the subject and into the middle of the frame. If you'd had her further back and in the middle, that aspect would have worked well.
I am a noob, so I will just give you my opinion. I think if she filled up the frame more and perhaps not so distant and as some have mentioned some cropping the picture would make more sense.
I thought the idea was that she was , "Heading down the unpaved road to the insanity,heartache, and struggle that is being a parent." Buuuut....maybe I was reading too much into the shot? I dunno...I thought I understood the logic behind this environmental pose, but maybe I misunderstood. Then again...I notice that road kind of dips out of sight behind her...hinting at the unknown...
I am a noob, so I will just give you my opinion. I think if she filled up the frame more and perhaps not so distant and as some have mentioned some cropping the picture would make more sense.
Well honestly when I shoot.....I always shoot creatively as well as a theoretically text book as well. I do have some other images where she fills up the frame more etc. I just try and challenge myself each shoot....try something new and step outside the box a little creatively. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't
:) thanks for all your input:)
Frame filled!!!! I present a five-second Lightroom transformation!

$Corri_M_frameFILLED.jpg Best part? It's only 89 kb!!!!
Here is my portrait that I took of this same image$IMG_9468washdpilogo.jpgand here is my bw conversion $IMG_9461washdpibwlogo.jpg

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