Morning Dew


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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Another from my early morning walk today, Mother Nature left me a gift :)

Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for taking a look!

PR, for me it seems really dark. It's interesting but I am wanting to see a little more detail in the background. JMHO.
PR, for me it seems really dark. It's interesting but I am wanting to see a little more detail in the background. JMHO.

I'm with Ron on this one.

I feel like I should see a gold ribbon with the water drops and the buds should be diamonds or a pearl cluster. Does that mean there should be more midtones in the b/w?

Am I close? I have no idea.
Thanks guys, Jaca, that's kinda where I was trying to go with it, it reminded me of a broach. There were some issues with the background, broken messy leaves and of course a whole lot of green, I used a global contrast and vingette to isolate the top lit leaves otherwise I found it all flowed together, perhaps a little heavy handed though, I'll take a look in the morning with fresh eyes ;)
You could play a bit with curves and bring out some of the background, but this image works pretty well for me as is. Nice job!
Works for me too. Nicely done.
I really like this one. I like the drops and the curves, and don't feel any strong feeling to see more of the background (sorry Ron, Jaca...:blushing: ). Reminds me (due to the shape) of the medical profession symbol of a serpent winding up a staff...
Thanks all!

John, I did try green but without the vignette, I tried pink also (buds are light purple) but neither made the lit leaves/buds/grass really pop like this, it's a much more subtle way to go but I may play with it a bit more :)

Paul! Yes! That's it! I kept thinking jewelry/broach but there was something oh ever so familiar and you nailed it!
I like how the leaf curves to the left. It almost looks like mother nature is having a boudoir session with you bunny.
I like how the leaf curves to the left. It almost looks like mother nature is having a boudoir session with you bunny.

Thanks! Ah, it was my birthday yesterday and Mother Nature gave me a couple gifts to play with ;)

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