My latest session...adorable!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Oct 11, 2012
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I think she thought my jokes were funny. At least a 3 year old does! I don't shoot too many children sessions anymore, but I did have fun with this one.
  1. $Thomas050.jpg
  2. $Thomas014.jpg
  3. $Thomas039.jpg
  4. $Thomas047.jpg
  5. $Thomas059.jpg
  6. $Thomas062.jpg
  7. $Thomas066.jpg
  8. $Thomas046.jpg
What a cutie pie - nice set!
Thanks guys.
#1 and #5 for the win.
#5 would have been absolutely amazing if the rest of the hat was in the frame. the girls expression in that one was phenomenal.
I like #8
Kathy great work dear.
Finally i saw some great Black and white pictures they are really well captured.
You should do some more sessions as this one, kids are really cute.
Great shots Kathy. Nothing else I can really say.
If you do not mind my asking, is it just for a friend or a paid job?
If you do not mind my asking, is it just for a friend or a paid job?
I have been in business since Jan. 2011. So, yes paid.
#1 and #5 for the win.
#5 would have been absolutely amazing if the rest of the hat was in the frame. the girls expression in that one was phenomenal.
I know it! Darn. I have another one with more of the hat, but completely OOF. :( I think I was at f1.4 if I recall. Thank you pix.
I think your ability to work with a subject is what made these work, not your tech skills. You can have a great photo of a kid but if they aren't looking or smiling at you it might as well be over exposed and blurry.

Bravo Kathy.
I liked all of them Kathy. Could you composite the two close -up profiles to get the complete hat ? If not may-be crop just a wee bit tighter from the bottom , so it looks even more intentional ? Personally I like it as -is ,but my taste tends toward the unusual /non-cookie cutter type stuff . Good set !

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