My practices with B&W


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Jun 17, 2005
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Irvine, Orange County, CA
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Well still getting the hang of doing B&W with my digital so definitly up for advice and critisism on these pics. Probably needed more constrast in the original subject since the stone I used was fairly washed out looking tan without lots of umph to it.


Is this in-camera b/w? Do you have the option to apply a color filter?
They could use a definite contrast boost. Maybe a tad overexposed for your subjects. Too much contrast now will give you a few hot spots.
No this was B&W via channel mixer. I think it might be the subject though that I just need to up contrast with or get a better (aka more focused) light source since these were done in living room with a lamp pointed at them resting on some shale type of tan rock.

Yeah.. they struck me as boring too but I am trying to get where I can take pictures of something other then nature so most all of my shots are utter crap when it comes to effect =p

edit:*for those wondering it is some rock climbing gear. Its about the only thing intersting enough I can acutally think to shoot and have some idea of a composition. I stink at posed still life.. thus my practicing*
the lighting maybe alittle hot in places, but I like the subject... whatever they are... i like the first one best.
Boring isn't a problem. You said you were practicing.
I did a quick edit on #2. I'd be happy to post if you're interested?

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