Newborn C&C please


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 28, 2012
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Besides the arm that should be tucked.......I have an issue with this photo and not sure what to do here. Should I straighten the actual scale that the baby is on or should I keep the bottom of the scale straight. I went with the bottom of the scale but what do you think? And what about skin tones how do they look? I went a little lighter than I usually do and played with hues here....wondering what you think of that as well. Thanks, Corrie $IMG_5251washdpilogo.webp
Leave it as-is; the higher-contrast bottom of the scale with its black and chrome will be much more obvious when it's out of level hen will the white on white against white scaled body and tray.
I think the issue is that everything is sort of the same color (except the black bottom of scale). Baby kind of blends in kwim?
I think the issue is that everything is sort of the same color (except the black bottom of scale). Baby kind of blends in kwim?

Well I kinda did the colour scheme on you think the baby's skin tone should be rosier then?
Besides the arm that should be tucked.......I have an issue with this photo and not sure what to do here. Should I straighten the actual scale that the baby is on or should I keep the bottom of the scale straight.
How about both?

awesome! now how did you do that lol........hmmmmm, I must think about this..........
awesome! now how did you do that lol

  • Open in Photoshop.
  • CTRL J to jump a new layer of the same photo.
  • CTRL T on top layer and rotate to "Straighten" it to make top of scale horizontal (used a horizontal guide to help).
  • Apply a mask to top layer, and paint away bottom area of top layer to reveal bottom of scale.

Took less than a minute. :thumbup::D
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buckster hooked you up, both straight is a ton better. still my biggest gripe is baby's face being so smushed. smushed cheeks is ok, but the lips being deformed and shifted makes the pose look uncomfortable. also down the road the family will probably appreciate an accurate rendering of the kid more than they will the posed scene/props (think: "oh it totally looks like him/her now!!") and smashed faces don't accomplish this well.
awesome! now how did you do that lol

  • Open in Photoshop.
  • CTRL J to jump a new layer of the same photo.
  • CTRL T on top layer and rotate to "Straighten" it to make top of scale horizontal (used a horizontal guide to help).
  • Apply a mask to top layer, and paint away bottom area of top layer to reveal bottom of scale.

Took less than a minute. :thumbup::D

Thank you so so very much! I really appreciate it! :D
awesome! now how did you do that lol

  • Open in Photoshop.
  • CTRL J to jump a new layer of the same photo.
  • CTRL T on top layer and rotate to "Straighten" it to make top of scale horizontal (used a horizontal guide to help).
  • Apply a mask to top layer, and paint away bottom area of top layer to reveal bottom of scale.

Took less than a minute. :thumbup::D

Thank you so so very much! I really appreciate it! :D
Always glad to help if I can! :D

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