Night trails on highway (First attempt, odd story)


TPF Noob!
Sep 2, 2007
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First attempt at night trails:

8 sec
ISO 100

I had some free time tonight so I figured I'd finally get myself out onto the highway and try taking some shots. After driving for a bit I found a nice spot that I thought would be good for capturing what I wanted, so I went off the road and far into the median so I wasn't close at all to the traffic. I had taken about 15 shots and was in the middle of composing my next attempt when I heard a loud honk behind me. I look behind me to find a Florida State Trooper car with the window rolled down with an angry man inside. He starts yelling in my direction, asking what I was doing. I told him I was taking a picture, at which time time he asked me of what (:er:). I said the road, and apparently that wasn't the answer he was looking for. He told me I better get out of there right away or else he's going to write me several tickets that'll cost me $200+. I wanted to ask how I was breaking multiple laws, but he was a grumpy old man and you just don't mess with the troopers down here. So I got in my car, came home, and had to settle with the few shots I had got before I had to leave.

C&C welcome.
I like this shot. The pattern with the street lights is really nice.
i just don't like all the signs and other things in the background, if you mean't highway lights like all the lights you see on a highway then i guess you got it, but if you want more like just the cars it would be better to maybe go into the woods a bit where you would only see trails from the cars.
I love the patterns in the street lights.. The background clutter takes away from the shot though, IMO.. Still a cool looking shot! :hail:

And since when has photography become a crime?
Thanks for the comments guys.
I thought having some signs in the background would look good, but the car lights reflecting off of them kind of messed up what I was going for. I'll have to find a new spot to try next time without any signs that will cause poor reflection (whenever I get the courage to go back out).

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