Oh Hello Mr. Dragonfly


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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It's been many, many years since I've last taken a picture of a Dragonfly. A friend of mine (who is a photographer) said once you find one and it if it flies away, just wait. They always come back to the same spot. That's exactly what I did in this case and sure enough, it came back to same spot.

It's exactly what I needed today. Kind of feeling down, it's just one of those days when you go "meh" to everything.

But decided to walk around with the camera and see what happens. Glad I did!

Taken with the XT2 + 60 2.4
1/1250th, f/3.6, ISO 200


I'm not saying it's perfect, but I like it. Took me a while to get the colors where I want. The time of day was not my favorite so I did my best.
IMO you did a great job, great DOF and a sharp eye is always a good thing, if it was mine then maybe tone down the green a bit.
IMO you did a great job, great DOF and a sharp eye is always a good thing, if it was mine then maybe tone down the green a bit.

I already did by like half lol.
You have good dof and bokeh. I will have to remember the wait and see if it returns trick. Same as deer.
You have good dof and bokeh. I will have to remember the wait and see if it returns trick. Same as deer.

I think with deer you probably gotta be camouflaged haha.

I felt a little comfortable when the dragonfly moving his head to look at me lol.

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