old camera worth and where to find film?


TPF Noob!
Jul 1, 2009
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cornelius, NC
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i have my grandmas old kodak vigilant six-16 from the early 30's.

now, the manual that came with it says that film cost 30 cents for a roll of 616 film

where can i find 616 film and where can i find somewhere to even develop it if im so lucky to even find a roll

also, this camera cost 40 dollars when it came out, how much is that in todays money? and how much is it worth in todays money, thanks in advance as usual
I shoot 620 film in my Jiffy-Kodak from bhphoto.com

They have all kinds of old film on the uber-cheap.
thanks for the links, at 38 dollars a roll id consider it a treat to myself, but then id have to find someone whod be able to even develop that film
Richard Photo Lab, they'll also scan in better than anyone else.

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