Old Mine


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 11, 2013
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I got bored today and went for a drive. I remembered this mine from childhood so I thought I'd have a look.
I set up my pod and heard a weird clunking noise coming from the end of the mine. I've seen one to many scary movies in my day so I got the shot chickened it out of there.
It was a 30 second exposure at f/13, ISO 160 and I painted with my phone light. There was a fair bit of light shining in considering I had crawl in small opening which brought out the colours beautifully.

You're lucky you didn't get raped or killed. Stayaway from such holes. Great shot anyways!
Lol thanks for the positivity batmura!
Nicely done. There's only so much you can say about a shot like this, but I would give it a technical 10
Thanks everyone!
I'm very happy how the lighting turned out considering I just banged out 1 shot on random settings hoping it'd work haha :D
Have you considered the square crop? To me, the square crop emphasizes the claustrophobic feel of a mine.
What ho! Is that a skeleton that I see there on the floor?
Yeah I made it B&W but decided the colour tones where to good not to have but I still like the B&W.
Cropping it square could also work I just like the detail in the shovel and pick marks in the sides to much to crop it.

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