Pacific City under the Milky Way

Majeed Badizadegan

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Jul 14, 2011
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Last night was amazing. I had the opportunity to drive my car out onto one of my favorite beaches in the world. I was by myself most of the time, and took in a clear night sky. Here's Pacific City under the Milky Way from the beach.

Pacific City under the Milky Way by Majeed Badizadegan (Rotanimod), on Flickr
Stunning! Loving everything about this one.
Beautiful photography and click.
Great shot!

I haven't done much night photography, but last time I tried the stars were moving quite a bit. Do you find that common in night photography?

Seemed like I could't get an exposure longer than 10 sec before the stars would move.

I haven't done much night photography, but last time I tried the stars were moving quite a bit. Do you find that common in night photography?

Seemed like I could't get an exposure longer than 10 sec before the stars would move.

Definitely. It makes shooting stars challenging.

Depending on your focal length, you will notice it more. At very wide focal lengths (this is a 16mm equivalent) it's harder to notice since the stars are so small.

It helps to have the fastest and widest glass possible.
Ah! Makes sense now...I was using f8-f13! I thought it was similar to shooting cityscapes and landscapes! I was also using ISO 50 too.

I'm going to give this another shot tonight!

Thanks much!
ISO 50? What camera are you using?

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