Personally, I think i'm frikkin AMAZING!

Lisa B

TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2007
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Mount Penn, PA
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Its true. Thats what I think.

What do you think of yourself. Life. Everything in it?

Do you think, at all?

Sometimes, my 2 remaining braincells have to fight it out with one another to get a thought in edgeways! :P
I think Lisa_B might really be amazing :)

Oh, but this wasn't her question ;)

Yes, I think I myself am quite acceptable :):)
I think I'm ok, aren't I?
Quiet, background type of person ... my post-count doesn't speak the truth. No.
Fully functioning brain, I should think ("should" think? ;) :scratch: )
I think I'm ok, aren't I?
Quiet, background type of person ... my post-count doesn't speak the truth. No.
Fully functioning brain, I should think ("should" think? ;) :scratch: )

Do you ever think that some people shouldn't think? :mrgreen:
Do you ever think that some people shouldn't think? :mrgreen:

A good many should actually THINK some MORE... not necessarily only about themselves, though, but also a bit further. (This is a very general remark now, and much more based on a phone conversation I had this morning than on this very thread, and unfortunately I feel more serious about the topic just now than is the original plan of this thread, so back to happy banter).
I hate thinking people should think more. I can't help myself though because it feels like everything is staring them in the face but they turn a blind eye, it's so frustrating. I don't like thinking it because I don't think I have the right to practically think everyone else is stupid, which isn't the case. I'm really rude to people...
Sometimes i think my brain is about to explode.

Then I take some asprin and im ok.
:::takes the canned air away from Lisa B::::

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