Photo i messing up already?


TPF Noob!
Nov 21, 2012
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Hey everyone! Just discovered this forum tonight, and this is my first post. Love it so far!
I've been a hobby photographer for many years, but just recently getting more serious and confident enough to sell. I have nature photo items on Etsy, and recently booked my first 5 family sessions in the next 2 weeks! I'm diving right in, and I'm loving it! Question about my pricing. I'm currently charging a flat $50 for the session, with edited images on a disc. Im staying in my county, doing 15 edited images, maybe 3 hrs total in each session with traveling and editing. That's it, no prints right now. Seemed easy for everyone, and a good way to get myself out there. I searched and couldnt find any discussion on this. Am I messing up already? Is this a hot topic for argument? I'm excited to read some opinions! :D
Thank you!
Google "CODB" and "Are my prices too low, photography" and you'll have all the information you'll ever need. Oh and maybe a degree in business, yeah, that might help.

Yes, you're making a huge mistake. The mistake isn't charging $50--the mistake is clearly having no idea what you NEED to charge; what your CODB (Cost of Doing Business) is. My guess is you also don't have a business plan, you just "dove right in there." Fail to plan, plan to fail.

I'm still on my first cup of coffee this morning, so I don't yet have enough energy to look up any of the specific threads for you--but the best thing I can tell you to do is go to the Community --> Search Members function; find MLeek and go to her profile page. Click on her "recent started threads" and then click on any topic that sounds like it might have something to do with the information you need. She did one on how starting a business is like building a house that was excellent, and also has several about the whole CODB issue (though CODB may not be in the title of the thread).
gsgary said:
Another Best Buy pro

Why would you say this? Just rude.

I think what the people above said about CODB is key and you need to figure it out. I don't think there is a problem with doing a certain amount of shoots at a discounted rate then increasing prices because price is dependent of skill and right now you are new.

What you also need to examine is do you have to appropriate gear and knowledge to be doing work for money yet?
Scuba said:
Why would you say this? Just rude.

I think what the people above said about CODB is key and you need to figure it out. I don't think there is a problem with doing a certain amount of shoots at a discounted rate then increasing prices because price is dependent of skill and right now you are new.

What you also need to examine is do you have to appropriate gear and knowledge to be doing work for money yet?

Ill bet you as much as you want they have had the camera less than 6 months, and i will say what i want
gsgary said:
Ill bet you as much as you want they have had the camera less than 6 months, and i will say what i want

Maybe they have and maybe they haven't but you are assuming. There is no point to your comment. So what if they have had their camera 6 months we have no idea their skill level at this point. Why make a comment that is likely to push someone away from this site and maybe even photography? Certainly is classy but go ahead say what you want from behind a computer.
Pricing yourself that low hurts the photographer community in the long run. Over the last 40 years I have watched the photo community sell themselves out so that now it is hard for many starting up to make a living. In the 1980's it was bidding wars for jobs, some agencies would want 3-4 bids. Not to pick on you but don't sell yourself or the photo community short!
Lessee... three hours for $50... so, we'll lop about 1/3 off for taxes, licensing, etc, that leaves $35. Travel, that usually takes gas and car maintenance. Let's assume you don't have to go very far, so we'll say $5.00. You're down to $30. Wear & tear on equipment... $5.00 (includes insurance). Hmmmm... getting down there, only $25 left. Oh wait... gotta buy the CDs, oh yeah, and electricity for the house... Call that $2 just to be conservative. You'll likely talk to the client at least once or twice, probably on your cell, and "need" a coffee while you're out. I think that could come to $3.00... oh, look, only $20 left, divide by three. That means you're working for less than $6.75/hour and we haven't even thought about putting money aside for that pair of pants you ripped on the thorn-bushes in the park, the flat-tire you had on the way to the session, or the fact that you're going out to redo that last session because Mrs Smith HATED every picture, and you're contract (Ooops... yeah, need those too... reveiwed by a lawyer at ~$300/hour is good... ) doesn't mention any sort of satisfaction.

IF you're making $3/hour by the time everything is done, you're lucky. I don't know about you, but I'm not even going to get out of bed for $3/hour!

And VERY DEFINITELY read everything MLeek has written on the topic!
IF you're making $3/hour by the time everything is done, you're lucky. I don't know about you, but I'm not even going to get out of bed for $3/hour!

And, unless the female is attractive, I wouldn't even get into bed for $3 hour.
What would I do with 60 cents?
I read a lot before I posted this, so I knew what to expect from those who may not agree. I enjoy all the feedback. Thank you Scuba for having my back. I'm 36, and I started really wanting to take good pictures when my first son was born 8 years ago. I think that's a big difference between some people starting out. They may think its an easy money maker, just pick up the camera and sell...but you have to feel it in your heart, and want to always do your best for everyone, and that is me. I really feel it, and since I have that fire in me,I have to start somewhere.
My 5 sessions coming up are for families in my moms group. I'm helping them out by giving them a nice christmas card photo, and they're throwing me some money for my time. Its like someone hiring a lawn guy, or a house painter... being paid for my time and hopefully be recommended to more people. Dont I have to "prove myself" before I start charging a premium? I live in a small town 40 minutes from savannah. My competition is a girl on facebook selling $10 mini sessions including a few prints, and a disc! Now thats crazy!! The next one has a $49 package that includes several prints, and a disc for sharing. My CODB is not much really...a gallon of gas, the cost of a blank disc, and my time.
So, when I start to pick back up in spring, do you all recommend doing prints only? Go somewhere like zenfolio? the business license will come soon, i know i need to do that.
Oh yeah, and i have a degree in business from UF, though agribusiness, and i cant remember a darn thing i learned.
Thank you, I enjoy this.... and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
" My competition is a girl on facebook selling $10 mini sessions including a few prints, and a disc! Now thats crazy!!"

Lol, you're just as crazy. Do what you like, you'll surely be a hit with people who don't value photography and want as close to free as possible.

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