Pics of my son - would love some C&Cs


TPF Noob!
Mar 22, 2009
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Alright, I know 5 is too many but I had a hard time choosing, I'd love any feedback. I think overall I have some issues with the color balance, some seem off to me.

1. This one I darkened a little, 28.0mmm, 1/125, f/4.5, ISO 250 (maybe this was too high?)


2. I like this one but not the dead fern in the background....55mm, 1/125, f/5.6, ISO 220


3. I wish the top of his hair didn't get cut off on this one, I also warmed it up a little PP 42mm, 1/125, f/4.5, 280 ISO


4. I think this is my fav 28mm, f/4.5, 1/125, ISO220


5. This one I did color fix in the camera, but it looks a little blue to me...
28mm, 1/125, f/4.5, 220 ISO

None really stand out to me, I'd try to go into portrait orientation instead of landscape. Also a little more dynamic lighting. But the best one is 2 because its not as bland but could use a lower a f/stop number.
i'm with the others here. you right about #5, it does need warming upa little. I really like #1
Alright, I know 5 is too many but I had a hard time choosing, I'd love any feedback. I think overall I have some issues with the color balance, some seem off to me.
Tutorial: White Balance

White Balance

White Balance: What Is It? And Why Does It Mattter?

Understanding White Balance

WhiBal Certified Neutral Gray Card for White Balance

Digital Image Flow DigitalGreyKard

#1 - Looks underexposed and the brick wall wasn't a real good choice for a background. Image looks too "cool", needs to be warmed up a bit.

#2 - White balance looks good on this shot but the subject is centered. You might want to crop in tighter to get rid of the unnecessary stuff like the dead space above him.

#3 - It's okay to cut off hair if you're cropped in tight. Try shooting in portait orientation next time. Image could be warmed up a little more. Good expression.

#4 - Would have been better with subject on the left side of the frame. B&W conversion needs more contrast...seems really flat as is.

#5 - Centered subject. Expression on face makes this look like a mug shot. Don't care for the PP work on this one. Could be warmed up a bit.

I like that you're shooting from the subject's eye level instead of shooting down at him. For portrait type shots turn the camera 90 degrees and shoot in portrait orientation unless you have a specific reason to shoot in landscape orientation.

Are you shooting in JPEG or RAW? What camera are you using?

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