Playing Outside


TPF Noob!
Apr 7, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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It was a nice overcast day, so I thought I'd take some pictures. I've had trouble keeping eyes in focus, so that and correct exposure were my main goals. I just gave her the scarf to add a little color. Thanks for looking!

How do you go about getting more pronounced catchlights outside? A reflector?



Don't think I'm weird or anything, and I really hope it doesn't bother you, but I messed with this just a little bit in gimp. All I did was sharpen the entire image, then I free-selected the eyes and sharpened them just a little more.
I will delete this if you want me to. Very cute pics, btw!


ETA: what camera and lens did you use to take this pic?
A big white flash card helps with the catch lights...I have been shooting with my 70-200 and that has been even more of a problem because of the distance. I like chewbecca's edit except I think they eyes are slightly over-done

Cute photos
Heh, I've taking a lot of pics of my own children lately, and the eyes are hard to get just right. I probably could have done with 10 less on the eye sharpening.
I'm always messing with eyes in my own photos, but because of that, it's hard to pin point, to me, if I'm over-doing them or not.:mrgreen:

That first photo was too difficult for my limited PP skills to work with. It appears a little out of focus (or focused in not the right places) because when I sharpened it, it was sharpening a strand here, a pigtail there, but the eyes were coming out too blotchy.
I've noticed that when I use an image host for my pics, I can make changes, and those changes are lost once I upload them. It has caused me to have to resave the picture once it's uploaded to the image host, redo any changes at that size, and then re-upload the image once I've made the changes. Does that make sense?
Wal-Mart and/or your favorite dollar store are great sources of reflectors. Large sheets of white or light-yellow poster board work great. Space blankets can be useful too. Personally, I think the only thing these need is just an overall 1/2 stop darkening. They're great captures, but a tad bright for my taste.
Thanks for the comments! I have a Sony A100 and was using a Minolta 28-85mm. I like the sharpness of your edit, Chewbecca...which is funny to me because I softened it a little in the first place. It always depends on which monitor I'm looking at, too.... I'll have to try white card next time.

I love how the hair is so sharp against the background which is blurred.
Nice. You did good on the focus... but I agree it is just a little overexposed, but nothing that can't be fixed with a little PP. Reflectors are good for catchlights in the eye and a simple lighting tool. Instead of spending 40 dollars on one, you can use a white poster board, as mentioned above.

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