Portable muslin backdrops


TPF Noob!
Feb 17, 2013
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Hi all, purchased a portable backdrop setup and wondering best way to store the backdrops so they don't end up creased again
Backdrops are not digital. Moved to Photographic Discussions.

Or use an empty seamless paper roll tube. You don't say what size backdrop(s).
When I used Muslin backdrops, I would bunch them up in a ball in throw them in a plastic bin. They never got wrinkled. I read it somewhere and it worked. Google it.
Cool, thanks for the feedback will give it a go :) They are both 2m x 3m backdrops.
When I used Muslin backdrops, I would bunch them up in a ball in throw them in a plastic bin. They never got wrinkled. I read it somewhere and it worked. Google it.
This! You'll find a little hand-steamer a good investment as well.

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